I just installed 1 Password on my PC (Win7). My vault is on my Mac. How do I get it to my PC?


I just bought the single license version for PC and Mac. My vault is on my Mac. How do I get it over to my PC. All I get is the `new user...I've used it before' screen on my PC. I have used it before on the Mac, but not on the PC. So the PC can't find my vault and there doesn't seem to be sync option.


  • LauraR

    John - You can sync your 1Password data between your Mac and Windows PC using Dropbox and we have great guides for this -

    When you run 1Password on your Windows PC, you need to specify that you have used 1Password before and it will find your 1Password vault in your Dropbox folder. Please let us know if this helps.

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