Importing .1pif doesn't do anything
I exported my 1Password data through File > Export > All Items before reinstalling OS X. I have tried several times importing the data using File > Import and nothing happens when I import the .1pif file. Why is it not working? Using 1Password 5.3.1
I opened the .1pif file in Sublime Text. This is what showed. I removed what looks to the encrypted data. I thought the .1pif file was .json format? In other words readable.
{"updatedAt":0,"securityLevel":"SL5","contentsHash":"(8 character random string here)","secureContents":{"unknown_overview":{},"unknown_details":{}},"createdAt":0}
(some long random number here)
Generally you would want to use a 1Password backup, not a 1PIF for restoring your data.
Was this a 1Password 5.31 generated 1PIF?
That is JSON data, but that entry in the 1PIF doesn't look quite right: the updatedAt and createdAt values are 0, and I don't know what the unkonwn_overview, unknown_details stuff is (seems like this is a bogus or problematic entry). Look for items like this:
{"uuid":"4A27DCAF7FB34FE89B09775A96FA95FB","updatedAt":1400347201,"securityLevel":"SL5","openContents":{"tags":["STOCK"]},"contentsHash":"d1a206bc","title":"Bank Account - stock","secureContents":{"accountNo":"2222222","branchPhone":"555-1212","bankName":"my bank","owner":"joe bank user","routingNo":"1111111","swift":"9998174","iban":"66666","sections":[{"fields":[{"k":"string","n":"bankName","v":"my bank","t":"bank name"},{"k":"string","n":"owner","v":"joe bank user","t":"name on account"},{"k":"menu","n":"accountType","v":"savings","t":"type"},{"k":"string","n":"routingNo","v":"1111111","t":"routing number"},{"k":"string","n":"accountNo","v":"2222222","t":"account number"},{"k":"string","n":"swift","v":"9998174","t":"SWIFT"},{"k":"string","n":"iban","v":"66666","t":"IBAN"},{"k":"concealed","v":"1234","n":"telephonePin","a":{"generate":"off"},"t":"PIN"}],"title":"","name":""},{"fields":[{"k":"phone","n":"branchPhone","v":"555-1212","t":"phone"},{"k":"string","n":"branchAddress","v":"123 main st. redmond, wa","t":"address"}],"title":"Branch Information","name":"branchInfo"}],"accountType":"savings","notesPlain":"stuff","telephonePin":"1234","branchAddress":"123 main st. redmond, wa"},"createdAt":1400347088,"typeName":""}
5642bee8-a5ff-11dc-8314-0800200c9a660 -
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately something went wrong when exporting. I have no way to recover. I will have to reset my password for all of my logins.
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Hi @BrandonG,
I'm very sorry something went wrong when exporting! I don't know what would have caused that to happen, but I'm hopeful that we can still help you get that data back so you don't need to reset all your logins.
Do you have a backup of your Mac from before you reinstalled OS X? 1Password for Mac automatically makes backups of your data, so if you have any backups of your Mac, it should include the 1Password backups. If so, we can help you retrieve the 1Password backup files and restore your data from those.
Alternately, had you been using any of the sync options in 1Password (iCloud, Dropbox, Wi-Fi)? If so, you should be able to re-sync your data back to 1Password on your Mac. Also, do you use 1Password on any other devices/computers? If so, do they have your data?
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Hi @Drew_AG,
I copied my files to a flash drive before reinstalling OS X. That included the .1pif fie that was exported from 1Password. Unfortunately I do not have any full system backups. Something likely went wrong while exporting from 1Password or copying the file to the flash drive. I have reset all my passwords as of now. Fortunately I only had 34 logins and 2 software license keys stored in 1Password. Small compared to what some have. Thanks for your help though.
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Hi @BrandonG,
I'm sorry you needed to reset/recreate your logins, although luckily you didn't have too many saved in 1Password yet!
If you need to reinstall OS X again in the future, and don't have a full backup of your Mac, you may want to copy one or more of your 1Password backups to a flash drive (or other storage). From the main 1Password app, go to the menu for 1Password > Preferences and click the Backup tab, then click the Show Files button to open that location on your Mac. That will make it easy for you to copy them somewhere else as a backup.
If you have more questions or need anything else, please let us know! :)