MSecure conversion category problems.
I have used MSecure for years for Mac desktop and iPhone and iPad and presently have 325 entries. I'm switching to 1password. I downloaded the 1Password Mac version from the Mac App Store and I purchased the Pro version for my iPhone, primarily to use it with my Apple Watch. I used MrC's conversion tool which did convert the CSV file and I did import into 1Password. However, 229 of the entries transferred over as Secure Notes, in a raw note format although all the information appears to be retained. The ones that we're categorized in MSecure as Web Logins came across fine and are now in the appropriate format under Logins and I also have some that came across fine as Credit Cards, Memberships and Email Accounts. The large majority of those 229 (184) now in Secure notes were in the category Login/Access in MSecure with rest from a variety of other categories. I tried to go back to MSecure and start changing the category for those entries in Login/Access to Web Login so they would then convert to the Login category im1Password. However, that resulted in the password for those entries being deleted in MSecure. Any suggested solutions? I would rather not have to re enter all those entries manually into 1Password.
1Password Version: 5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS 10.10.3
Sync Type: iCloud
Hi @mkoenig4 ,
The mSecure converter uses the CSV export's 2nd column's value as the category - that's how mSecure exports the CSV data. If you've changed the names of these values, it would be easier for you if we worked together to redefine the pattern used in the converter to match your entries (instead of you changing all your entries). If you pick a couple of these renamed types, and tell me the mapping, I can show you how to modify the converter to accommodate your needs.
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Thanks for your reply and willingness to help. I have looked at the CSV file. In the 2nd column the 184 entries I mentioned above it says "Login/Access" for each of the entries. Those are simply the "Type" that I selected in MSecure when I added the entries. I'm not sure what you mean by "(if I) changed the names of these values". I don't think I changed anything. Like I said, 184 of the 229 that got put into the 1Password Secure Notes were the Login/Access type in MSecure and therefore say Login/Access in column 2 of the CSV file. The other Secure Notes came from entries I had under various other types in MSecure, e.g. Birthdays, Note, Unassigned, WiFi Accounts, and a few others (with those corresponding types listed in the 2nd column of the CSV file). I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean by "pick a couple of these renamed types, and tell me the mapping". If you can clarify for me I would be glad to provide you with whatever information you need.
Marc0 -
Hi @mkoenig4,
mSecure's stock "login" category name is "Web Logins", so if yours is different, I see three possibilities: 1) you renamed the category, 2) this is your own custom category, or 3) you are running a version older than 3.5.4.
I wonder if you are using a version prior to mSecure 3.5.4? Which version are you using?
It sounds like you've ruled out (1) and (2) as possibilities, but if you are running 3.5.4 I don't see any other possibility.
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To get you moving forward, I'm going to assume that either (1) or (2) is the likely difference. So, let's solve the problem.
Using TextEdit, edit the file Converters/, and search for the line:
login => { textname => 'Web Logins', fields => [
and change the phrase Web Logins to be Login/Access. The line should then look like:
login => { textname => 'Login/Access', fields => [
Save the file, and re-run the converter starting with Step 4.
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I'm using desktop version3.4.4 and iOS ver 4.2.1, although I have been using the programs for years. So, perhaps I created or renamed the category years ago and don't recall.I tried to do what you said. After I edited the file I reran the converter. I thought I did the same thing as before but now I get an error. The following is the command I typed (with MS.csv being the exported Msecure file on my desktop) and the error message I received:
Marcs-iMac-2:convert_to_1p4 marckoenig$ perl5.16 msecure -v /Users/marckoenig/Desktop/MS.csv
Error: failed to load converter module 'msecure'
Unrecognized character \x{2018}; marked by <-- HERE after xtname => <-- HERE near column 30 at Converters/ line 105.
Compilation failed in require at line 38.Usage:
clipperz dataguardian datavault essentialpim ewallet handysafe keepass2 keepassx keychain
lastpass msecure passpack passworddepot passwordwallet safeincloud safewallet splashidspecify one of the converters above on the command line to see complete options
Marcs-iMac-2:convert_to_1p4 marckoenig$Any idea what the problem is? BTW, I assume that once I get this to convert and I import the new file into 1Password I have to have deleted the previous entries, correct? I wasn't sure how to do this. So, I just selected all entries and trashed them. Now my vault is empty.
Marc0 -
Hi @mkoenig4,
The error looks like your editor changed the file encoding after you edited No matter, here's the file edited for you:
Download it, unzip, and replace your Converters/ file with the .pm file inside the zip.
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Another question, after I make the edit above, changing Web Logins to Login/Access, what happens with the 78 entries that i did already have categorized in MSecure as Web Logins that had come across fine into 1Password, in the appropriate format under Logins
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You should delete those first, or you'll have duplicate items essentially. It's best to import into a new vault until you are happy with the results.
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That worked. Thanks, Mr C!!
Marc0 -
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:lol: :+1:
(He nails that handstand every time!)