Avast has replaced Windows CA with its own CA, which prevents AgileBits store from having HTTPS

Community Member
edited June 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Oddly enough, the https is working on this chat.... hmm...
Look, I'm just trying to buy the software. This isn't a technical question, it's a website issue. Https should be active on the store...

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • CarolynV
    Community Member
    edited June 2015

    Is there anyone out there? I see that you're based in TO. I'll check back tomorrow. Hopefully the store issue will have resolved itself and I can get started!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    This isn't a technical question, it's a website issue. Https should be active on the store...

    @CarolynV: Indeed, and it is!

    Without more information, I can only guess at what might be the issue for you. Upon clicking the "Store" link at the top of the main website, I'm redirected to a secure connection with the AgileBits Store.

    You may need to restart your computer, clear your browser, or otherwise check your internet connection. I know that some ISPs and hotspots mess with SSL. If you can tell us the OS and browser you're using, we can also test ourselves to see if it's some kind of software issue. Thanks in advance! :)

  • CarolynV
    Community Member

    On my home computer, secure network, not hotspot. Chrome (latest version Version 43.0.2357.81 m) Again, this discussion shows https is active and working... go to the store, no such luck.

    I've just opened IE and it works, so it appears to be a Chrome issue. I guess that's the route I'm going to have to take...

    pic.png 77.6K
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2015

    @CarolynV: It looks like you're using Windows. Which version do you have?

    I'm glad that it works in IE, but I'd definitely like to sort out why it isn't working in Chrome. It seems to be here. If you click on the red X lock, does it give you more information about the problem? I wonder if there's been 3rd party certificate installed in Chrome, as this would explain its inability to validate. While malicious software can do this, sometimes security software does as well so it can scan the connection.

    Please let me know what you find. I look forward to hearing back from you! :)

  • CarolynV
    Community Member

    Thanks. I was able to complete the purchase and download using IE, but in the interest of figuring out what's what with Chrome, here's the info you've requested...

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2015

    @CarolynV: Aha! Thanks for following up. That's it! Avast has modified Chrome to install its own intermediate SSL certificate. This has two effects in this case:

    1. Chrome is reporting that the (Avast-provided) certificate is using an SHA-1 signature, which Chrome will not support at all in the future (you'll see from my screenshot that we actually use SHA256).
    2. Chrome is complaining that the signature (from Avast) does not match the site (from AgileBits) -- which, it can't match because we won't sign anyone else's! ;)

    In both cases, this is Avast causing the issue specifically with Chrome (curiously it isn't doing this to IE...) rather than an issue with the AgileBits Store. Don't ask me why it isn't doing this with the AgileBits forum, though! You'll have to ask Avast for more information about what they're doing this for. :dizzy:

  • @CarolynV We've contacted Avast about this issue and asked them look at this thread.
    They've been incredibly responsive and helpful in the past and we're sure they're going to fix this issue.

    If you wish, you can contact them about this as well and reference this thread.

  • CarolynV
    Community Member

    Thank you Brenty and AlexHoffmann. I will, indeed, contact Avast to let them know. Cheers, CarolynV

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • Hi @CarolynV,

    We've heard back from Avast.
    They're telling us that this particular issue has been fixed in a version of Avast's software that was released in early March.
    The most recent version of the software should not exhibit this problem.

    Please let us know if this helps!


  • Hi @CarolynV,

    Sometime the fixes don't work until you do a complete reinstall. If you're already using the latest version, try going to Avast's site to download the latest version, run it and replace your current copy with it. Reboot your computer and that should do the trick.

This discussion has been closed.