Failed to Unlock. Cannot load keychain profile. New MacBook Air and Yosemite
I've got a 1Password family license for Mac, and I'm trying to set up 1Password 5.3.2 on my wife's new MacBook Air, running Yosemite 10.10.3. Synching with Dropbox. When I attempt to launch 1Password, I get the error message "Failed to Unlock. Cannot load keychain profile." Neither of these sentences shows up in the FAQ or knowledge base.
I downloaded and installed 1Password from the Agilebits website. I copied the "...onepassword-license file onto the new computer, from her old computer. 1Password recognized the license file, and displays it when I choose "License" from the 1Password menu. I set up Dropbox on the new computer, and waited for all the files to sync. When I launch 1Password, I get the usual configuration steps. I tell the program that I have used 1Password before, and I point it to my 1Password.agile.keychain file within the Dropbox folder on MacBook Air's internal SSD. 1Password seems to accept the file, showing its path, and allowing me to click the Continue button. When I am prompted for my master password, I get the error messages listed above, "Failed to Unlock. Cannot load keychain profile."
I have restarted the computer three times, to be sure this wasn't the problem. I have checked that Caps Lock is off. I have verified that I am using the correct master password, by opening 1Password on my wife's old computer, and typing it in. I have retyped the password more than a dozen times, typing very carefully, to be sure that I am not making an error.
Can you think of what I am doing wrong, or point out any more things to try?
1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.3
Sync Type: Dropbox
The 1Password screen that shows right before I get the error message says, "Welcome to 1Password 5! We found your data in Dropbox. Unlock it with your Master Password or click here to select a different option." Selecting Help>Troubleshooting>Show Application Log gives me the following text, which seems to indicate that the failure is in the creation of a new profile.
Mon Jun 8 14:00:05 2015| 532001 [APP:0x600000071800:] M applicationDidFinishLaunching: | Starting 1Password (WebStore) 5.3.2 #532001 built May 25 2015 13:50:58
Mon Jun 8 14:00:05 2015| 532001 [XPC:0x600000071800:] S connect | Connecting to helper
Mon Jun 8 14:00:05 2015| 532001 [XPC:0x600000071800:] S startHelper | Starting ''
Mon Jun 8 14:00:05 2015| 532001 [XPC:0x600000071800:] S startHelper | '' is not yet running, waiting for 0.2s
Mon Jun 8 14:00:05 2015| 532001 [XPC:0x600000071800:] S startHelper | Started 1Password mini (
), (
Mon Jun 8 14:00:06 2015| 532001 [APP:0x600000071800:] S hockeyManagerStarted | Launch time: 1.24s
Mon Jun 8 14:00:06 2015| 532001 [APP:0x600000071800:] S configureUI | No existing profile found, searching for available keychains to perform initial setup...
Mon Jun 8 14:00:06 2015| 532001 [APP:0x600000071800:] S configureUI | Available keychains detected: (
Mon Jun 8 14:00:21 2015| 532001 [UI:0x600000071800:] S availableKeychainOverviewsDidChange: | __CFNotification 0x6080000596e0 {name = com.agilebits.onepassword.AvailableKeychainOverviewsDidChange; object = /Users/dawnair/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain}
Mon Jun 8 14:06:47 2015| 532001 [XPC:0x600000071800:] S createProfileNamed:usingKeychain:withPassword:completionOnMain: | Creating new profile from keychain: '~/dropbox/1password/1password.agilekeychain'
Mon Jun 8 14:06:47 2015| 532001 [XPC:0x60800047c480:] S createProfileNamed:usingKeychain:withPassword:completionOnMain: | Failed to create new profile: 'Error Domain=com.agilebits.onepassword.ErrorDomain Code=4002 "Failed to unlock. Cannot load keychain profile." UserInfo=0x6080000fb400 {NSUnderlyingError=0x60800025a6a0 "Failed to load profile", NSURL=file:///Users/dawnair/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain, NSFilePath=/Users/dawnair/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain, NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to unlock. Cannot load keychain profile.}'0 -
Hi @Nekoninda,
I'm sorry you're getting an error when trying to sync with Dropbox on your wife's new Mac!
You might get that error if Dropbox has not yet copied the entire 1Password.agilekeychain to the Mac. In that case, it should work correctly once Dropbox has had time to completely sync the keychain to the local Dropbox folder. Have you tried again to set up Dropbox sync since you posted your messages? If you're still having the same problem, please open the local Dropbox folder on that Mac and find 1Password.agilekeychain inside the 1Password folder. Does it have a green circle with a check-mark, or a blue circle with arrows?
If it has a green circle & check-mark but you still get the error, open 1Password and try selecting click here ▾ to select a different option on the "Welcome to 1Password" screen to make sure the correct Agile Keychain in Dropbox is selected. If there are multiple keychains in Dropbox, 1Password might be choosing the wrong one. In that case, choose the right one and try again. If there is only one keychain in Dropbox, re-select it and enter the master password again to see if there's any difference.
Please let us know how it goes, and if it's still a problem, we'll continue from there. Thanks!
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Thanks for working with me on this problem. I had verified yesterday, that Dropbox had finished copying the file, and had the green checkmark beside the file. I just tried again. It still has the green checkmark, and I am still getting the same error message from 1Password. I quit and restarted 1Password a few times, in case that would help, but it didn't. I had also tried yesterday copying the file out of the Dropbox folder and onto the Desktop, and then telling 1Password to find the keychain file on this Mac, rather than in Dropbox. At the 1Password prompt, I navigated to the file on the Desktop, selected it, and 1Password seemed to accept it, showing the path, and allowing me to continue to the next screen. On that next screen, I typed in the master password, and 1Password gave the same two-sentence error message.
Based on the suggestion in your message, and I tried the "click here to select a different option" procedure that you describe. I selected the only Agile Keychain in the Dropbox folder. Yet again, I got the same results of the two-sentence error message. I verified that there is only one Agile Keychain in the Dropbox folder, both by looking at the contents in each folder in a Finder window, and by doing a Spotlight search.
As I mentioned, the 1Password setup procedure (or whatever the proper name is for what I am trying to do) seems to accept the keychain file. It says, "Welcome to 1Password 5! We found your data in Dropbox. Unlock it with your Master Password or click here to select a different option." The troubleshooting log file that I quoted also hints at some level of acceptance of the keychain, and reports failing at the stage of creating a profile. I may be misinterpreting these hints, but I'm wondering if I could copy a profile off the old Mac and onto the new one, in order to get past the current failure point. I realize this may be silly. I've also wondered if downloading 1Password again might help.
What do you suggest I try next?
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I tried removing the 1Password app from the Applications folder, downloading 1Password again, and reinstalling it. Same results. I also tried copying the Agile Keychain file from the old Mac onto a USB thumb drive, and then copying onto the Desktop of the new Mac. I pointed 1Password at this file, during the setup procedure. The next screen reports, "You have selected data on this Mac. Unlock it with your Master Password or click here to select a different option." Typing in the Master Password produces the same two-sentence error message.
I plugged in an external keyboard, just to see if it might be a keyboard issue. Same results.
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Hi @Nekoninda,
If I had to guess it does sound like the .agilekeychain might be damaged. It can happen and can be easily rectified. Now we know what version of 1Password and OS X are being run on the new machine so just to make sure we don't give instructions for the wrong version, could you let us know about the version of 1Password on the old Mac please or any other Mac with the vault currently loaded on it. It's just with some of the things you've said I suspect you might have 1Password 3 on the old Mac and the steps we'd use there would be different. Just to reassure, I don't believe for a moment that this isn't entirely recoverable.
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Hi, LittleBobbyTables. I appreciate that you are trying to help, but I'm a little frustrated. You have just asked for a minor tidbit of information based on the conjecture that I might be running 1Password 3. I have never owned 1Password 3. I am running 1Password 4.4.3 on the older Macs.
In the two days and a half days since I posted my question, I've gotten two responses. One asked if I had let Dropbox synching complete. I had. Now you ask for version information on the old Mac, which I just provided, but you also could have found by checking your records that my first license ever was for version 4. At the rate of one clarifying question every day and a half, I'm not sure I will ever get this problem solved.
On my wife's other two Macs, we are running Mavericks. Therefore, AgileBits won't allow me to upgrade to 1Password 5. I am running the newest version that you will permit me to run under Mavericks (I'm disappointed that you don't support what was the newest OS available a mere 9 months ago). This is 1Password 4.4.3. I have all the updates installed. One of these Macs is in active use for all purposes, the other is used mostly to listen to audio books.
Perhaps the .agilekeychain file is damaged, but it continues to work flawlessly on the other two Macs, as does the Dropbox synching between them, so far as we can tell. As mentioned above and shown in the log file that I pasted in one of my replies, the error messages do not mention problems with the keychain, but rather with creating a profile.
I've read through many of the questions posted to the forum in the last couple of days. I notice that most people posting don't use descriptive titles, and don't provide complete and detailed descriptions of their problems in their postings. I have tried to do both, and I've gotten both fewer responses and fewer suggestions than many other people who posted. This is frustrating.
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Hi @Nekoninda,
While we can check to see if a licence has been purchased, a licence for 1Password 3-5 all entitle you to run 1Password 3 and depending on the old Mac it might have been you could only run 1Password 3. I could assume but that's a mistake that has caused confusion in the past and I do try to avoid making a situation worse.
Now, as you can see Drew and I are both concentrating on the .agilekeychain. Drew considered the possibility that Dropbox was involved but as we've discounted that I'm now focussing on the possibility that the .agilekeychain is damaged. Can it be damaged and still allow other Macs to sync? depending on the damage yes.
Given we know you're running 1Password 4 on the older Mac it will be relatively straightforward. The reason is 1Password 3 wrote directly to the .agilekeychain and the .agilekeychain was your vault. In 1Password 4 & 5 the .agilekeychain is relegated to being just the sync data. We can delete it and have 1Password 4 recreate a brand new .agilekeychain. I just needed to know this before writing out this sequence of steps.
- On the old Mac launch 1Password 4.
- Enter 1Password's preferences and switch to the Sync tab.
- Click on the Change Syncing... button.
- Click the checkbox titled Delete data from Dropbox and then click on the Disable Sync button.
- Pause for a moment to allow Dropbox to sync the deletion of the .agilekeychain.
- Once Dropbox has settled down, click on the Dropbox option in the Sync tab of 1Password's preferences.
- Click on the Choose... button to point 1Password 4 to the location of your Dropbox folder and where you would like to store the .agilekeychain. The default path is
~/Dropbox/1Password /1Password.agilekeychain
if you simply select your Dropbox folder. Click the Open button to select this folder. - Click on the Create New button to have 1Password 4 create a brand new .agilekeychain.
- Pause for a moment to allow Dropbox to sync the creation of the new .agilekeychain.
Now Dropbox sync on the other Mavericks machine will be disabled because the original .agilekeychain is no longer. That should be a case of pointing it to the new .agilekeychain though. Instead of selecting a folder like you did above you would select the 1Password.agilekeychain and instead of a Create New button it would say Merge.
Now I'm hoping that new .agilekeychain will allow 1Password 5 on your wife's new MacBook Air to properly connect. Now it might be my understanding of the situation is wrong and we need to continue the troubleshooting process with you. We might even need to escalate it. However, I do believe the steps above and the creation of a new .agilekeychain will resolve this. Please do let us know how it goes.
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Thank you. The process described in the previous comment above by littlebobbytables seems to have solved the problem my MacBook Air. A remaining issue for me relates to the description above of handling the second older Mac with Mavericks, referred to very briefly in the penultimate paragraph of the previous comment. After clicking the "Merge with Existing" button, I am presented with the warning, "Please review the information below before deciding to merge." The "information below" gives no guidance on how to perform the suggested review, nor what exactly will happen during the merge. It only indicates that the current vault will be merged with the Dropbox vault.
The two vaults should be close to identical, but I updated the passwords of two sites recently, which probably now differ from the information in the old vault stored within 1Password on this last of my three Macs. After I merge, will I have two separate logins for these two sites? How will I identify the old vs. the new? Will the old ones propagate back to the other two Macs, and produce duplicate logins on those, as well?
I think I'd rather delete the old vault on this Mac, and adopt the new one that Dropbox has already copied to this third Mac, rather than merge with whatever 1Password is storing locally on this Mac, separate from the Dropbox file. Is there a way to do that? It isn't obvious.
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Hi @Nekoninda,
Each item in your vault has what we call a UUID, a Universally Unique ID. Now if all you've done is update an existing password then the change should be easy for 1Password to cope with as the UUIDs match and one timestamp will be newer than the other. Of course sometimes you just want to make damned sure and avoid any risk whatsoever.
If you want to then the following page will guide you through the steps required to start over on the second Mavericks machine and the page in question is How do I start over with an empty vault?. As far as file locations go, there is no difference between 1Password 4 and 5 so the instructions will apply equally to the Mavericks machine. You would want to follow the section titled If you use the version of 1Password from the AgileBits Store.
After that 1Password 4 will behave as if it hasn't been run before. Like 1Password 5 it should simply pick up on your new (and working) .agilekeychain. It's true, we don't make this obvious and it's in part because we want to make sure this is what you really want to be doing. When I say you there I mean any of our users. If we get the chance to talk to the user before they remove their vault we can make sure it's what needs to be done.
It sounds like we're in the final lap and that you're almost there :smile:
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Thank you. I followed your most recent guidance, and it appears that all three of these Macs are now operating properly, in relation to 1Password. I appreciate your help.
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Hi @Nekoninda,
I realise it took a couple of posts to get there but at least everything is running smoothly now :smile: Hopefully 1Password will be trouble-free for some time to come but if not you know where we are.