Feature Request: Add Billing Information Auto-Fill with Credit Card Info
The 2-step process of filling in credit card information and then separately filling in the card's billing address information from an identity is inconvenient, especially since neither have keyboard shortcuts. Adding my vote to others' feature requests for billing information attached to credit cards for auto-fill! Thanks!
Hi @jonathaniweiss,
I can add your vote but at the moment I'm not finding an existing request. It seems like you've seen a thread on our forums about this, if you still have the link could you post it please. Sometimes the search just doesn't return what you need it to :smile:
The one thing I'm not entirely sure of is if we would go ahead with such a suggestion or not. Now please don't misunderstand, every feature request is given due consideration. Why I'm unsure is that many sites separate address and credit card onto different pages which suits having these two separate items. Also, what information from each item is supported in filing goes all the way back to 1Password 3 and so for compatibility reasons, as well as the fact that knowledge of certain items is hard-coded in the program may mean what seems like a reasonable and simple enough request might be trickier than first anticipated. Now as I say, we do consider each request. All that remains is to discover if there is an existing request that my searching isn't revealing or if I need to create a new feature request :smile: