Chrome crashed. Can't find extension or 1Password
HELP. I am dumb about this stuff. My son always used to take care of it, but he refuses to help me now. I was using One Pass in Chrome just like always and suddenly, a little screen popped up saying it had CRASHED, and had to be re-something or othered. I still have One Pass on my Safari browser, but need it on Chrome, and I can NOT figure out any way to put that little icon back on the upper right so that I can use One Pass. One Pass even disappeared OUT of my dock and I don't know how to get it back ....fortunately, I could still at least open it using Safari, but I can't FIND IT anywhere else (i.e. in System stuff.) I am swimming around and drowning. Please help me, I am NOT technically talented whatsoever.
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Hi @TotallyConfused,
I've split your post from the other thread as I suspect we're dealing with different issues. I'm going to email you after I've posted this message as I think the optimal route won't be the forums for you.
ref: DPD-66467-769
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In case it helps anyone else, you can always install the latest version of the 1Password extension into any supported browser at and also the 1Password app itself at -- both of these are completely separate from your 1Password data, so 1Password won't make you start over with a new vault so long as you've kept the old one. Cheers! :)