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How Do I Import My Entitre Data of 1P (v 3.5 )On A Powerbook G4 To My New Macbook Pro Ret 1P (V5)

Community Member

I have been using my old classic Powerbook G4 with 1 Password version 3 on it and have recently purchased a Mac Book Pro Retina which i have installed 1Password version 5 .

I am struggling to import all my data from the old computer to my new computer. I have read the forums and the most common way seems to be via drop box- HOWEVER dropbox no longer supports my old computer operation system (10.5 lepord)

Can anyone please help or advise and i am sorry to say very simple Lamens Terms as it is minfield reading some of the info relating to this.

When i open 1P 5 it greets me with the 2 options of new user or i have used 1P before. I am struggling to find and copy on the keychain on my old mac..

Can i copy the data onto a USB stick from my old laptop and then import it into my one perhaps?

It does not help i dont think that the 2 operating systems on computers are quiet far apart and the fact i am jumping from version 3 of 1 password to Version 5

Is this a major issue or factor?

I hope someone can guide me and thanks for reading my question.



1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version:
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Darknight1945,

    Don't worry, this is very doable once you know even just a couple of bits of information :smile:

    1. On your old G4 you will want to look in ~/Library/Application Support/1Password/. I don't have access to Leopard to test I'm afraid but if you were to open a Finder window does the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘G open a Go to Folder window? If it does paste that path in to be taken to the precise location. If not the ~ simply stands for your user account so if you click on your username in the Finder's sidebar you should see a Library folder and in there Application Support and so on.
    2. In the 1Password folder you should see a file called 1Password.agilekeychain. Copy that to a flash drive and move it to your new Mac.
    3. Launch 1Password 5 on your new Mac and when the window pops up say you're an existing user.
    4. You will see four options, the one you want is titled This Mac. You will be asked to choose the location of the .agilekeychain and all you should need to do is point it to the 1Password.agilekeychain on your flash drive.

    That should be all you need to do. As you can see, once you know how and where your vault is stored in 1Password 3 the rest isn't too bad, as is often the case, just a little information is enough to kickstart everything.

    Of course, if anything I've written isn't clear enough, if you would like any stage in more detail please do say and we'll do precisely that - we'll keep working with you until you say it's all up and running :smile:

  • Darknight1945
    Community Member

    Hi LittleBoyTables,

    Really appreciate you making time to reply and look into this... my apologies for not getting back sooner.... so i tried the above exactly as you said and it took me to a backup folder with many back ups..but essentialy all there were 1Password.agilekeychain - so i copied the the most recent dated version- may 2015 onto a pendrive and followed the rest and i had no luck.. when i open the 1 PW 5 it gives me the the versions and i point it to the file which i tried on the pendrive as well as copy it onto the desk top- i get nothing... can it be that i amunable to use version 3 data on version 5- surley i think this is not the case and that i am doing something wrong my end ( most likely !!) .. would the key chain be anywhere else... that does not sound right either as it is very clear to see the key chain files in the backup folder.. hope you can help ??Cheers again

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Darknight1945,

    If you found a Backups folder on your older machine with lots of files, did the filenames happen to end in .agilekeychain_zip. That's the extension for the 1Password 3 backup files and if you tried to directly use it in 1Password 5 it would lead to frustration and zero success. All is not lost though!

    While you may not be able to directly add the 1Password 3 backup file it is relatively easy to gain access to the contents which you can use. What you want to do is rename the file, specifically the extension part. So instead of using .agilekeychain_zip you want to change the underscore to a period so it now reads OS X will ask if you're sure and you want to click on the button that says Use .zip. After you've done this you can double click on the file and OS X will extract the contents which is the real 1Password.agilekeychain. The backup file is really just a zip file with a slightly different extension.

    I believe that if I've intuited the right thing from the information you've supplied, that what I've written above will get you back on the right track and allow you to continue where you left off which would have been step 4.

    Please do let us know how you get along :smile:

  • Darknight1945
    Community Member


    Thanks again for your email... sooo the files are not .agilekeychain_zip
    They are just marked .agilekeychain_backup ( and shows 205 Items ) so that must be all the password info that i want to import.. but i'm not sure what do now as they are not _zip as you stated? any thoughts or advise please? Thankyou!!!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Darknight1945,

    Sorry about the confusion here. Can I ask you to check and see what exact version of 1Password 3 you're running on the old G4 please. I might need to download and test as it seems that maybe be we changed formats at some point.

    Something to try is to remove the _backup from the name. Having done so, if you can right click on the file and an option titled Show Package Contents in the menu works, leading to a Finder window showing at the very least a Folder titled data and in theory a file titled 1Password.html then it would seem we simply copied the .agilekeychain and altered the name. That is a guess at the moment though and knowing what version of 1Password you've been running will let me test some stuff and give you a more accurate answer. As I say, sorry for the misinformation so far.

  • Darknight1945
    Community Member

    Please do not apologies .. far from it!!.. i am just very greatful for your help and patience !!

    Just checked and the 1P version I am using is 3.5 15 ( Build 30890 )

    Hope this helps and we can get this sorted soon. Thanks

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Darknight1945,

    I've done some testing and I can now say with 100% confidence of the following.

    It turns out the backup is still a ZIP file but at some point between 1Password 3.5.15 and 1Password 3.8.18 we moved from renaming the backup file from .agilekeychain_backup to .agilekeychain_zip.

    So if you rename your file ending in .agilekeychain_backup to OS X will treat it as a ZIP file. You can then double click on it to extract the proper .agilekeychain. Once you have that you should be able to proceed :smile:

    Hopefully you'll have some more success now :smile:

  • Darknight1945
    Community Member

    PERFECT!!.... worked first time after following these procedures.. thanks a bunch and then some... i really do not think i would have ever solved this issue on my own .. had you baffled for a bit! as well!!.. I am very greatful.. not sure who you are or where you.. but if your ever in London... I owe you a beer or two.. :-) ...Thanks again and all the very best.. keep up the wonderful great support work!! Best DN

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    It certainly did have me scratching my head but it's great to hear that we eventually got there :smile:

    As for 1Password 5 we have three sources of information.

    As for who and where I am, I'm LittleBobby and I can be found in databases everywhere mwahahaha!

    On the off chance that you suspect I'm completely insane here's a link to xkcd: Exploits of a Mom (a favourite of mine).

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