Upgrade v4 -> 5
I've not used a particular Mac for a few months. After upgrading to Yosemite I can no longer open 1Password 4 (purchased on the App Store). I understand that the upgrade to v5 is performed from inside v4 - but I can't get that to open - it just hangs on launch.
What do I do?
1Password Version: 4.4.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.3 (14D136)
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hi @gerryo,
That's odd. There's nothing in Yosemite that will stop 1Password 4 from running - I keep a copy for troubleshooting purposes due to differences between 4 and 5. What is definitely true though is Apple's Mac App Store will not offer you the option of downloading 1Password 4 on a Yosemite machine. It's Apple's policy to only offer the most current version of any application in their store that is compatible with the current OS on that machine. If you had a Mavericks machine you could only download the last version of 1Password 4 while a Yosemite machine can only download 1Password 5.
None of that gets to the heart of your current issue though. Given you purchased 1Password from Apple's Mac App Store then what I recommend is dragging the 1Password application from your Applications folder to the Trash. Don't worry, as long as you don't use any of these app cleaner applications, the removal of the application does not touch your vault at all. You may want to throw in a reboot now just for good measure - it can't do any harm after all. At this stage though you should be able to open the App Store application on our Mac, switch to the Purchases tab and re-download your previous 1Password purchase. I believe downloading a fresh copy should sort you out.
Just to let you know that all Mac App Store applications receive their updates via the Mac App Store and not internally. In fact the Mac App Store version of 1Password for Mac has none of the update code in it that the AgileBits Store version does because of this. You should find however that Yosemite will notify you if any of your applications have pending updates.
If you have any troubles do please let us know :smile:
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Thanks for your help. Reviewing my purchases on the Mac App store I can can find no record of purchasing 1Password 4 - that's a glitch and I've contacted Apple to ask them to sort it out! I'll let you know how I go when they restore it to the list of apps I've bought. And I've made a note to buy stuff directly from developers when I can, in the future :)
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There are usually advantages in buying direct from the developer. Trial mode, upgrade discounts, more money for developers (no Apple cut). With 1PW you can't use iCloud sync unless bought from the App Store.
Could you have your purchase hidden? Somewhere, I think it's in the Account section of your App Store, is an option to restore hidden purchases.
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Hi @gerryo,
Do keep us informed as to what you find out. If you've purchased 1Password for Mac then we want you to have access to it (although there is limited assistance we can offer when it's from Apple's Mac App Store).
Normally we suggest checking the Purchases tab of the App Store application on your Mac as I mentioned above. It is possible to hide a purchase though as danco mentions and more on that can be found at Apple's KB article, Hide and unhide purchases in the Mac App Store. Other than that you may somewhat reliant on Apple's assistance. Do you by any chance keep all your email correspondence, at least in regards to purchases? If you have the original receipt they should have sent you then that may help resolve matters. Fingers crossed you'll be reporting a happy ending to this though :smile:
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Thanks for you help - this is very odd. Apple tell me there's no record of the purchase. which makes me wonder if I bought it from you directly - even though I have a strong memory of buying on the Mac App Store :(. I've searched for emails from you but can't find any confirming the purchase. Happy to send you my email address - can you check for me? Where do I send it?
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Ok, I used your "re-send the license" thing and...nothing arrived. So I'm stumped. I have a legal copy of v4, I used it for some months...and now it won't launch and I can't work out where I bought it. You must hate people like me :)
I've re-downloaded v4.4.3 from your site and it runs in demo mode (and from a different directory as the copy I already have). Doing a get info on the application files I can see that one I thought I'd bought from Apple is 45.3mb in size; the one I just downloaded from your site is 66.9mb in size. Does that tell us anything?
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Hang on. Having run the app from the downloads folder it now seems to open fine from the app folder, but in trial mode, with 30 days on the clock. Ugh.
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Hi @gerryo,
I'm sorry for all the confusion here! I think I can help to clear up at least some of that.
In your original message, you indicated that you had version 4.4.3 installed, which is the AgileBits Store version of 1Password 4 for Mac (the Mac App Store version did not need a 4.4.3 update as the changes only applied to the web store version). It also sounds like you were trying to use the Check for Updates feature, which is only available in the AgileBits Store version. So, it doesn't sound like you had the Mac App Store version installed. My guess is that you now have 2 copies of the AgileBits Store version - one in Applications, and another in Downloads. (There is no trial mode in the Mac App Store version.)
Another way to tell where the app is from is to look at its name. The Mac App Store version is named 1Password.app (regardless of whether it's version 4 or 5). The AgileBits Store version is named 1Password 4.app or 1Password 5.app. What are the names of the apps you have in Applications and Downloads? Also, if you open each app and click on the 1Password menu, do you see a Check for Updates option? If so, that's the AgileBits Store version.
You said Apple can't find a record of a purchase of 1Password from the Mac App Store, but that you remember buying it from there. Is it possible you made that purchase using a different Apple ID? If you're sure which Apple ID you would have used to buy it, could you be thinking of purchasing the iOS version of 1Password? That would have been from the iOS App Store, which is separate from the Mac App Store.
I tried searching our system for the email address associated with your forum account but couldn't find any licenses for you for the AgileBits Store version of 1Password. If you purchased a license from the AgileBits Store with a different email address, you can have your license resent to you from the "I've lost my license" section of this site. It sounds like you tried that but didn't receive any email from us. That could mean there's no license associated with that email address, or it could mean the email was caught by a junk mail filter (make sure to check any junk mail or spam folders in your email).
Something else you can check is the Software Licenses category of 1Password (look for that category in the left sidebar of the main 1Password app). If you had previously activated 1Password 4 with a license file, 1Password should have automatically created a Software License item for 1Password, and would have your license file as an attachment. Do you have any items named "1Password" in the Software Licenses category?
I have a legal copy of v4, I used it for some months
There was actually a bug in 1Password 4 for Mac where, in certain cases, an unregistered/trial copy would not expire (that was fixed in version 5). Is it at all possible you haven't purchased a license for the Mac version of 1Password, and have been using an unexpired trial of version 4?
Let us know what you think/find, thanks!