different master passwords on two macs using one master vault?
can i use different master passwords on my two macs using the same apple ID on both and using identical primary vault being synced to one dropbox account? I have bought 1password in apple store
Is the master password linked to the installed 1 password on each mac or is it linked to the primary vault and change if i change master password on one unit?
The encryption key that your master password generates is contained in the data file, so if you are syncing to the same file in Dropbox, you'll need the same master password to unlock your vault, no matter where you are when you want to open it.
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Hi @vangen,
hawkmoth is correct. The way it works is your Master Password decrypts a set of encryption keys and each time you change your Master Password these keys are encrypted using the new Master Password. Synchronising your vault means these keys must be included so Master Password changes do synchronise. Now if you're finding that the old Master Password is still being accepted it should merely be a case of unlocking once with the old Master Password, locking your vault and then unlocking once more but this time with the new Master Password. The reason for this is that while the encryption keys are contained within your sync data, each copy of 1Password maintains its own copy of these keys so the vault can always be unlocked locally. That 3 step sequence should ensure 1Password updates the local copy to the sync version. After this you would find only your new Master Password will unlock your vault.
Can I ask, what is the end goal you desire by having different Master Passwords for different machines but with the same vault? We may be able to come up with a solution that works for you once we have a better idea.
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But i can export my data to a new primary vault to use it on another mac in this scenario. I must although be careful to turn of sync on my (secondary) computer. ( if i wanted)
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Hi @vangen,
You can export a copy of your vault and then import into a separate vault on another machine yes and you wouldn't have to worry about sync as by default sync is not enabled in 1Password (you have to explicitly enable it). The two vaults would be identical for that moment in time but any changes made to one wouldn't be synchronised to the other as they're not connected in any way.
I'm still unsure why you would want to go to these lengths though.
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Thank you - it seems logical. 8-)
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On behalf of littlebobbytables, you're welcome.
Please let us know if you have any other questions! :)