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Upgrade to 1 Password 5 from 1 Password 3

Community Member

After the upgrade to 1 Password 5, the previous 1 Password 3 is also running. What is the best way to uninstall/ remove 1 Password 3?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    See this user guide article on completely uninstalling 1P3.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tom_hays,

    I hope the link from Stephen's message was helpful for you, but if you have more questions about that, please let us know - we're always happy to help! :)

  • tom_hays
    Community Member

    Ok, forgive the tardy reply. Life is full and I got pull away from this after my post. Actually, not quite ready to uninstall 1P3 I don't think. At the moment I am having issues with the 1P5 install- isn't quite right. I should ask if having both 1P3 and 1P5 installed is a problem?

    1. I am synching using Dropbox and there are issues:
      • On my Mac Powerbook, Dropbox isn't able to synch certain files and is returning a "permissions denied"error for specific files. The same files did not give me a permissions problem previously. The synch wheel icon is constantly turning.

    (screenshots at bottom)

       - I seem to have generated a new 1Password.agilekeychain file when synching and choosing "create new"? Anyway I now have two 1Password.agilekeychain files or pathways in the Dropbox folder, should I throw one away (Screenshot below)? The data folders associated with each keychain are very similar but not identical. 

    (screenshot at bottom)

    1. ON my Mac PB, the Browser does not ask me about saving a password when logging in to new sites. The extension icon is showing up on the safari page?

    2. On my OS 8.3 apple devices, IPAD and iPhone 6, when I launch 1P5, go to settings, choose Primary Vault ( I only have one) and start synch, the synch never finishes but says Last sync 2 sec, 3 sec, 4sec and keeps going,

  • tom_hays
    Community Member

    oops, screenshots in previous post are flipped in position with respect to text.

  • tom_hays
    Community Member

    Ok, now I just tried to launch 1P3 and got error message that 1Password Agent and Key files not available, see screenshots below.
    So must be a problem with path connecting 1Password to Dropbox files??

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tom_hays,

    It will seem a bit pedantic but I'm sure you'll understand why, can I just confirm that you have a single Mac and it's a MacBook running Yosemite given you have both 1Password 3 and 5 on it. I ask because Apple did make PowerBooks but that's a much, much older machine but it could still run 1Password 3. I wouldn't want to assume and then cause chaos by offering the wrong advice.

    It seems you have a number of permission errors going on, something we need to address before you find more and more things wrong on your Mac. Now one of the error messages mentioned Disk Utility and while it is worthwhile running it, it won't help with permission issues in your user folder where both 1Password and Dropbox have had problems.

    1. Let's start with checking and repairing the system permissions (just in case). You should find this Apple KB article useful for how to do so, Disk Utility 12.x: Repair disk permissions.
    2. That is just one half of the problem though but an important one to verify before we proceed. Unfortunately Disk Utility doesn't operate on the user folder, something I was very surprised to learn myself when I discovered this tidbit of information. More oddly Apple don't seem to have an official document so instead I'll have to link you to a third party guide. The guide in question is How to Repair User Permissions in Mac OS X.

    Now after that we'll want to make sure Dropbox is syncing properly. It might take a while but as long as it's making progress I would let it continue. While it is doing this it might be worth logging into your Dropbox account via their web interface and checking to see if the 1Password.keys file exists on their server or not. It should so I'm hoping it's a sync issue that will resolve itself once we sort out all of these permission issues.

    Please keep us informed as to your progress.

  • tom_hays
    Community Member

    Yes, my computer is a MacBook Pro. Disk repair run and summary screenshot is below. What is the significance of the "SUID" error message?

    Yes, Dropbox has the multiple 1Password.keys on their server as well.

    All my files are in fact synching between devices and changes to the 1Password files also being synched.
    At this point only trying to resolve the fact that Dropbox seems to be constantly trying to synch, but running into permissions problems.
    Next will try the permissions fix suggested by Mac genius and that you are suggesting I try. Later....

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tom_hays,

    According to Mac OS X: Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions messages that you can safely ignore there are a couple of messages that start with Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreS that can be safely ignored. Personally it might be better if they said that in the detailed report rather than a KB article but what can you do - there isn't a piece of software out there that isn't guilty of something similar.

    The next big one is attempting to repair your user profile's permissions. Fingers crossed it helps!

  • tom_hays
    Community Member

    A new error message poping up today. This is before I had a chance to proceed with "correcting permissions"?
    Any explanation for this error message?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tom_hays,

    I'm sorry you've been running into all these problems on your Mac! Fortunately we're more familiar with this new one you're seeing - thanks for the screenshot! That error is coming from a component of 1Password 3. It's a process called 1PasswordAgent, and you can delete it by following these steps:

    1. From the Finder, go to the menu option for Go > Go to Folder...
    2. In the Go to the folder field that appears, copy and paste the following text and press Return: ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    3. Delete ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist
    4. Go back to the menu option for Go > Go to Folder…
    5. Copy and paste the following text and press Return: ~/Library/Application Support/1Password
    6. Delete the Agent folder
    7. Restart your Mac

    That should take care of this issue, but please let us know how it goes and if you have any questions. Thanks!

  • tom_hays
    Community Member

    Hello again,
    Only so much time in the day, so you should understand I am having to come back to figuring out my troubles with 1Password as the schedule permits.

    Last suggestion regarding the database backup worked. I wonder if you have the solution to another problem which I am now trying to understand. Everytime I launched 1Password5, I am getting the series of dialogue boxes below, each time I fill them out.

    The next time I launch, the same thing happens. Annoying to say the least. Any suggestions?

  • tom_hays
    Community Member

    Anybody know why I recurrently get the above dialogue boxes (security, rich icons, password mini, keep in sync) each time I launch 1Password5?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tom_hays,

    The only reason that I can think of is that our preference files are not being written to ~/Library/Preferences/. Normally I believe there should be 3 files in ~/Library/Preferences/ and they are:

    • com.agilebits.onepassword4.plist
    • com.agilebits.onepassword4-updater.plist

    So my suspicion is those files probably won't exist for you even if you launch 1Password, go through the introduction screens and then quit. For me, deleting those three files and then relaunching causes the first two to be created. I can see the modified timestamp change after I pass through the introduction screens and then I'm not bothered again.

    If I had to guess it would seem permission related as 1Password should be able to write to that folder.

    So the first thing to do is see if those files exist.

    1. Open a Finder window.
    2. Using the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘G, paste the following path into the Go to the Folder... window ~/Library/Preferences/ and click the Go button.
    3. Once in there, use the search bar in the top right hand corner of the Finder window and search on the word agile - I always find that narrows it right down to our stuff.

    Do you see the files there? If you do (which I think won't be the case) you could try deleting them, rebooting your Mac and seeing wha happens. Personally I would suspect the issue will remain but that doesn't mean the steps are a waste of time. If I'm correct though I am wondering if you went with my previous suggestion to reset the user permissions in your account. Hopefully we can get this all running smoothly :smile:

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