No way to get a scollbar in the item editor [Confirmed, will improve it in the future. Use Ctrl+S]

Community Member
edited June 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I created a new generic account with information on it. I continue to add sections with text, date and password fields. However, if I get too many, I can't scroll down. I can't even see the OK button at the bottom. I am running it on Windows 7. How can I get some kind of scroll bar to see all the fields I have added?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win 7 Pro
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MikeT
    edited June 2015

    Hi @TO,

    Right now, there is no way to get the scrolling bar, you have to collapse the sections to make room for the bottom or move the window up if you have space. This isn't the right way to do it, we agree, and we plan to fix this in the future.

    If you get caught where you can't collapse or move the window, save the data with the keyboard shortcut, Control + S, and re-edit it, it should collapse some of your sections to make room for the bottom along with the option to save or cancel.

  • TO
    Community Member

    Thanks MikeT for your reply. The issue for me is I created quite a few fields in the main section. So, I added a server. Added some fields, and that is what takes me too low and can't scroll. It seems like a basic Windows feature. This prohibits me from using all the fields I need and is a big issue! Any ETA? As soon as possible is appreciated!

  • Hi @TO,

    No ETA, unfortunately and it is not a trivial change, it won't be a quick fix. The scrollbar works in the main item display view where we have a predefined view but when adding new sections and fields that appends to a view, it is harder to retain a scrollbar on the parent window. It may be a basic feature but it is not basic to code for.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    It's not that complex @MikeT and this fault been well known for a long time.

  • Hi @RichardPayne,

    Yes, it's known for a while and it is not a high priority for us to fix. We'll look at it when we can get to it.

This discussion has been closed.