Sync and Merge problems
My husband and I both use 1Password. I have always used it on my iPad, iPhone and have synchronized through Wifi with my Mac. No problem for a couple of years, until a specific version of your software suddenly broke the sync. I back-up and sync all three vaults now to Dropbox and to the iCloud, since the Wifi sync does not work anymore, but all of them are somehow set as being the "master" and do not sync with the other. I would really like to have them all merged together again and automatically synchronized. I have tried all of the answers you have provided to all of the people who also have these sync problems, but none of them worked. All versions of the software are the most recent.
My husband can only use the 1Password on his iPad, because sync has never worked with his Mac. In total we have now licenses and the latest versions of two Mac 1Passwords and two iOs 1Passwords. This was not cheap for a non-functioning solution.
In short: you have not made it easy at all to either sync or merge. Please provide an easy solution to this problem, or I will need to buy an alternative solution which does work and recreate all passwords.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hi @Gerdien,
The first step is to learn a little more about your environment. By this I mean what version of 1Password you're running on each device and this page, Which version of 1Password am I running? should be able to assist. This is important because if you were running 1Password 3 for example it might say no new updates are available but only because 1Password 4/5 was a paid upgrade over 1Password 3 and you wouldn't be offered that as a downloadable update like you would a minor update.
Once we have a better understanding of this we can begin to move forward. Depending on your situation Wi-Fi Syncing should be possible - I successfully use it myself. There can be issues with firewalls, anti-virus programs etc. but as long as no third party software is interfering it does work. As I say, we'll start the troubleshooting process once we hear back from you :smile:
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iPhone - 5.4.2 (iOS 8.3), iPad - 5.4.2 (iOS 8.3), Mac 5.3 (OS X Yosemite 10.10.3). I have purchased the Pro-functions. Merging is the most important request.
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Hi @Gerdien,
Here is what I suggest we do.
- On your Mac log into your Dropbox account via Dropbox's website
- Search for the phrase
in the search bar in the top right hand corner. - Based on your description this should return three results, one .agilekeychain for each of your devices.
- Delete all three .agilekeychains. Don't worry, this is just the sync data and not your vault, which resides on each of your devices.
- Let these deletions synchronise. Make sure you can't find any .agilekeychains in Dropbox when you view your Dropbox folder in Finder.
- Still on your Mac, launch 1Password. It will complain about there being a problem detected with Sync - that's okay. Click the Ignore button in the notification.
- Enter 1Password's preferences and switch to the Backup tab. Click the Backup Now button.
- Switch to the Sync tab.
- Change the sync option from None to Dropbox and click on the Choose... button in the Dropbox Sync window that opens.
- Select your Dropbox folder in the File Chooser window that appeared and click on the Open button to return to the previous window.
- The Dropbox Sync window should now have a Create New button and it should be saying that it will create a new .agilekeychain at
If it does click on Create New. - Give Dropbox a moment to synchronise your Mac vault to Dropbox's servers. It can take more than a few seconds. If you see this Dropbox icon then it is still working.
The next steps you will need to repeat for each of your iOS devices. Do them one at a time.
- Launch 1Password for iOS.
- It will report that is cannot find the .agilekeychain in Dropbox and that syncing has been disabled. Click the Dismiss button.
- Go to 1Password's Settings, it's the cog icon in the bottom right hand corner for iPhones and the bottom left hand corner for iPads.
- Tap on Advanced and then tap on Create Backup.
- Return to the initial Settings screen by tapping on < Settings in the top left hand corner.
- Tap where it says Sync (or it may say Syncing).
- Tap Start Syncing followed by Sync with Dropbox.
- At this point our guide, Sync with Dropbox is probably more informative with a number of screenshots to help. You'll want to start at step 3. in this guide.
- In step 4 of that guide it will show you two different behaviours, you should not be asked to create a new .agilekeychain. Instead it should find your new .agilekeychain that you created in step 10. from above. The initial synchronisation will take a while (a lot of seconds, maybe a minute or two) so please ensure 1Password for iOS is open and your iOS doesn't go to sleep. If you wait on the Sync screen and see the sentence Failed to upload file to Dropbox in red text don't worry, it's just Dropbox rate limiting 1Password. Wait until the Last Sync time starts counting up in seconds and then tap Sync Now once. It will perform a final sync and the error message should disappear.
- Repeat on the second iOS device.
Now you'll probably why we're mucking about with Dropbox given you want Wi-Fi Sync. I'd like to help you first merge your vaults before we start on figuring out why Wi-Fi Sync isn't working. We'll attend to that next. The first step is to ensure all three copies of 1Password are working with a unified vault. So please let us know how this part goes and then we'll tackle switching to your preferred sync method.
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It worked! Thanks very much. All is merged now. Please advice on the Wifi. Kind regards.
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Hi @Gerdien,
That's great to hear :smile This should at least give us a stable point in which to try Wi-Fi Sync.
- Now that Dropbox has served its purpose we're going to first disable Dropbox Sync on your Mac.
- Launch 1Password for Mac and enter 1Password's preferences.
- Switch to the Sync tab and change the sync option from Dropbox to None.
- Confirm this by clicking on the Disable Sync button.
- Follow our Wi-Fi Sync guide to set up 1Password for Mac.
- The next guide will show you how to switch from Dropbox to Wi-Fi Sync on your iOS device, the guide in question is Switching from cloud sync to Wi-Fi Sync.
Now given you've had problems in the past I don't expect you will be able to complete all the steps in that last guide. What will help as we start the Wi-Fi troubleshooting process though is if you can let us know at what step the observed results and the expected results started to diverge and what it is you instead see. With this information we will hopefully be able to narrow down the cause of your Wi-Fi Sync woes and get you back on track :smile:
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Hello, everything works now. Merge and Wifi Sync. I have also been able to get the apps for my husband working and syncing as well. Thanks for the service!
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That's great news @Gerdien, I'm glad to hear you now have the preferred syncing option set up and working once again :smile:
If you have any other issues or questions you know where to find us :smile: