1Password is using up to 44% of cpu [Use Task Manager to stop the process]

Community Member
edited June 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

The last few days the 1password is showing 40-44% cpu when using task manager. this is causing the fan to run most of the time.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 1passord 4
OS Version: windows 8.1
Sync Type: unknown


  • @IanCFin - Could you create a diagnostics report as per this guide -https://support.1password.com/diagnostics/win.html - and email it to us at support+forum@agilebits.com. Please can you also include a link back to this discussion. Once you've sent the Report can you post here with the ticket ID as this will help us to keep an eye out for it. Thanks!

  • IanCFin
    Community Member

    Hi, I have manually stopped the program using task manager and it is now functioning correctly

  • @IanCFin - I'm so glad you were able to resolve this, thanks for letting us know your solution.

  • Hi @IanCFin,

    Can you let us know if you see it again, we'd like to fix any CPU issues. It sounds like maybe 1Password was stuck at downloading an icon for your Logins if you saved a lot of new Logins recently.

This discussion has been closed.