changing icloud users
I signed out of icloud but 1password still has all my data. I understand why that is, but even after a reboot, it surprisingly still says that it is syncing "53 seconds ago" even though that's impossible since I removed all the sync options in the 1Password preferences. Our ultimate goal is to remove all the passwords and instead sign the system in under my wife's icloud account so she can have her own 1Password account going. I don't want to uninstall the app, just accomplish this switch to a new user and icloud account. How?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: icloud
Hi @hellofunk,
If you've disabled iCloud sync by changing the Sync preferences from iCloud to None in the 1Password app, that will stop 1Password from syncing changes to/from iCloud. However, that won't remove your data from the 1Password app, because that's stored locally on your Mac. Disabling iCloud sync just means 1Password will no longer sync changes between your Mac and your iCloud account.
To make sure I understand, it sounds like you want to completely remove your own 1Password data from that Mac, and reset the 1Password app so your wife can start from a blank slate and start entering her own data and sync with her own iCloud account. If so, you'll need to follow the steps in this knowledgebase article.
Do you sync your 1Password data to another device? If not, you may want to get that all set up on the other device first, before following the steps to start over on the Mac your wife will be using. I just want to make sure your own data is safe & sound.
Hopefully this helps, but please let us know if you have any trouble with that, or if you have more questions. Thanks!
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Thanks. Can you also explain why 1Password still claims it is syncing even though all syncing options have been turned off, and in fact I have logged out of iCloud on the Mac altogether? Therefore, the iCloud drive isn't even available, so why does 1Password claim to still be syncing?
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Hi @hellofunk,
What you're seeing is a combination of cache files on your Mac and what I see as a bug where we're not reacting in the proper way to iCloud telling us that you're not logged in. The presence of the cache files mean that from a technical standpoint we can continue syncing to the local cache which is actually all we ever do. In this regard iCloud does share similar traits to Dropbox. We only ever interact with the local copy and we leave the syncing part to the cloud service. What we could and I think should do though is react to the error message saying there isn't an authenticated account and stop iCloud sync, unless a dev were to to say there was a reason why we can't. I've reported this oddity so thank you for raising the issue and for continuing to query it :smile:
ref: OPM-3165