Cannot use my license and forced for upgrade?
When I check my old license, the system gave me this:
"Great! Your license – a Single License for 1Password 3 for Mac – has 4 possible upgrades."
But, when I tried to install on legacy version 3.x and add the license, there is a warning message
"License expired!
The license key you entered is for an older version of 1Password. Please upgrade your license to receive a new key"
Someone can explain from Agilebits?
1Password Version: Version 3.8.22 (build 32010)
_Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
@aing You actually have a 1Password 2 for Mac license that was obtained via a (Mac Giving Tree Promotion in December 2008. Our license email erroneously calls this a 1Password 3 for Mac license, but you can verify it is indeed a 1Password 2 for Mac license as it starts with "1PW2". This is why it won't work in a 1Password 3 for Mac install and why you are being asked to upgrade your license.
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For the benefit of others reading this thread please note @aing's post was duplicated in the Knowledgebase Feedback forum and also answered there.
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Thanks Stephen! :)
@aing, since you have another discussion open for the same question, I'll close this one, just so we don't duplicate efforts or cause confusion between here and there. If you have more questions about this, we'll keep the conversation going in your other thread. Thanks!