my secondary vault syncs with Dropbox on my mac, but not with Dropbox on husband's mac
I’m not good at technology, but I’ve been trying! Sharing license, 5 for mac (agilebits) with husband. I made secondary vault “MLM-RJG Shared” to share with Dropbox on his mac (separate Dropbox accounts.; made folder “MLM-RJG Shared Folder” and got MLM-RJG Shared.agilekeychain into it. The folder appeared in my dropbox, and syncs to my dropbox. I succeeded in getting it into his dropbox, with the vault, MLM-RJG Shared.agilekeychain . But when I added items to vault “MLM-RJG Shared”did not update in his dropbox. I tried again, made a new folder called “Folder for MLM-RJG Shared Vault” and put “MLM-RJG Shared.agilekeychain” into that. Now, the first folder disappeared, but the new, second folder Folder for MLM-RJG Shared Vault” appeared in my dropbox and updates. The folder appears in his dropbox but doesn’t update. I unshared that folder and tried to share again. Now, the folder does appear in his dropbox, but not the vault name “MLM-RJG Shared.agilekeychain”. Instead, the item in this folder, in his dropbox, says 1Password.html. Another item says “data” I can’t tell what that is. And another just says "a."
I’m frustrated. Help, please!
1Password Version: 5
Extension Version: 5.3.2
OS Version: 10.10.4
Sync Type: Dropbox
Hi @Nonessme,
Can I ask, how closely have you been following our guide, Share a vault. It might be worth deleting any shared vaults and folders you've created as part of the initial attempt and start again. Even if you're still struggling the guide will allow us to easily discuss your progress in terms of the specific step where the expected behaviour started to deviate from the observed behaviour.
Please stay in contact as we will work with you to get this resolved. Don't lose heart as once this is set up it's something you can then pretty much forget about, that is to say set-and-forget :smile:
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Thanks! This time it worked. I had been following the wrong directions, old ones I guess, copied below. They instruct to create the secondary vault first, then a Dropbox folder to put it into. That just doesn't work. I tried again and again, each time deleting all the old material. But the instructions in Share a vault are different: create the folder in Dropbox first, then share it, then put the secondary vault inside. That worked right away. Don't know if it's possible, but it might help other confused users if 1Password support could delete the differing instructions. Thanks again.
Sharing a vault
One of 1Password ...Preparing your vault for sharing
1 Create and set up a secondary vault that you wish to share. Make sure it is selected in the Vault Picker.
3 Select 1Password > Preferences and go to the Sync tab. Choose the Dropbox sync option.
5 On the next screen, click Choose Folder to bring up a folder browser. Create a new folder inside your Dropbox to hold your shared vault. Make sure the new folder is selected, and click Open.
7 On the next screen, 1Password will explain that it’s about to create a new keychain inside the folder you selected. Verify the information is correct and click Create new.
Sharing your vault
Great—your new vault is being synced with Dropbox. Now you’re ready to share it with other people. Start by sharing the folder you just created. To learn how to share a folder inside Dropbox with other Dropbox users, please have a look at this guide on the Dropbox site.0 -
Hi @Nonessme,
Both approaches should work although often we will refine instructions as we find better ways of communicating certain steps or that certain orderings of steps may lead to certain issues more than others. It would seem this would be one occasion where the continuous efforts of our doc team has paid off if you found the latest instructions were easier to follow.
Could I ask one favour please. Do you happen to know where you found those instructions so I can ensure the right people are aware. Thank you!
Lastly, I'm glad we could get vault sharing working for you, so if you have any other questions or issues please don't hesitate to ask :smile:
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Here's where I found the instructions that did not work for me:
I tried that method (create the secondary vault first, then the Dropbox folder) multiple times, but could never get the secondary vault to sync on the other person's computer.
These instructions worked immediately:
Thanks a lot for your help.
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Hi @Nonessme ,
Thanks so much for sharing that link here. As Little Bobby says, I'm a bit surprised that those steps didn't work for you, but I am glad that you're up and running after following our updated steps in the new support documentation. We'll take a closer look at those older instructions to see if anything needs to be fixed.
I hope that 1Password behaves perfectly for you from now on, but if you have any other questions or concerns, we're here for you! :)