Alteration from PW 4 to PW 5 ?
I think there has been an alteration in PW 5 that I personally don´t like very much: Multiple documents (like PDFs) imported into a secure note have been sorted by timestamp before and now they are sorted in alphabetical order which doesn´t help me in finding a special invoice within 100s of others - pls. tell me there is some setting to alter this :-) Peter
1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.4
Sync Type: None
Hi @mrapplebee,
Due to restrictions in the Agile Keychain the ordering of attachments doesn't sync and so we've standardised on alphabetical ordering over all platforms. Now I believe all versions are taking their cue from 1Password for Mac based on our ticket reporting system. There isn't a way of altering the ordering currently either so for the moment your options are limited.
While 1Password does allow for attachments it was never intended as any sort of document manager. If we're talking about hundreds of invoices for example it might be an encrypted disk image would be a better option. You could create folder hierarchies to help better manage the number of files and then order them using what sort order you wish. It's just a suggestion which you're free to disagree with of course.