Everyday the same problem with 1Password in Chrome

Community Member
edited July 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

You get a unique software living in Brazil is equal to winning the lottery, simply because the culture is to spend less and make more money. But I do not care, since I pass "every day" by the same problem. 1Password installed in early no problem, but since the last update have access only to access the app as extensions for Chrome that are available in Google Web Store and the application in rather only create me problems. I tried several times to install the extension through the link that is available in configurations (https://agilebits.com/onepassword/extensions), but there is not the slightest chance of succeeding. I installed and uninstalled anything. Nothing against the software itself, as tested other and decided to stay with 1Password (cleaner, more organized and reliable). Because I met him on the Lynda.com website. I do not know what else to say, because every day I'm at hand.

I hope to help me.

Sorry for my English!

1Password Version: 4.5.0575
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Sync Type: Local


  • Your English is quite good, @maunicaretta!

    Google has made a change in a recent version of Google Chrome, prohibiting the installation of extensions that haven't been downloaded from the Google Web Store.
    However, downloading it from there should make it work.

    Sometimes anti-malware software will prevent the extension from being installed successfully. Which anti-malware software are you using? Anti-virus software, firewall software, VPN, proxy servers?

  • mrcnicaretta
    Community Member

    I'm using Windows Defender. I'll wait until tomorrow. If the problem persists I will return the contact. Thank you AlexHoffmann!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @maunicaretta: Indeed. Be sure to let us know!

    Since Chrome extensions must be installed from the Chrome Store, when there's an issue on Google's end (sometimes just CDN or DNS propogation) that will prevent anyone from installing the 1Password Chrome extension. Fortunately Google seems to clear up these issues reather quickly most of the time, but I'm sorry that it's affected you in the first place.

  • mrcnicaretta
    Community Member

    Hello Brenty! How are you?

    So ... I uninstalled installed and went to the Google Web Store as I always installed the extension and still the same problem. After upgrading the application started having this problem. Before there was no problem. I could use Mozilla Firefox but I believe it has the freedom to choose my browser or my security software as well. Choose 1Password and wish I could use it in Chrome, but no longer know what to do. I keep my computer on for almost 18 hours a day and if I restart at some point the problem will return. In order ... I do not know what else to do!

  • Hi @maunicaretta,

    The main 1Password program does not affect how extensions are installed or not installed. The web browsers such as Firefox and Chrome are the only programs that handles how the extensions are installed or remove, we cannot do anything here.

    Can you explain more about the problem itself, I don't understand what the restarts have to do with this. You went to the Chrome Web Store in Chrome, you try to press "Install" and then what exactly? Did it add the 1Password button to Chrome or was there an error?

    Are you saying that 1Password extension does install fine in Chrome, no problems but if you restart your computer, 1Password is gone in Chrome?

  • mrcnicaretta
    Community Member

    The 1Password application works correctly. OK! Application wonderful, what I always hoped for a software found in 1Password.

    What happens is that the extension for Google Chrome at all times for not working. I have already installed the extension for Google Chrome through the application and what happens? It works correctly. But if I restart my computer to give it back problems.

    I have already installed the same through the Google Web Store and works properly. But if I restart my computer the extension to give back problems.

    There are sites that do not allow you access them directly from the application. They open a pop-up and you have to have an extension of 1Password installed to complete the fields.

    So the extension is critical, but the same is in trouble. Every day.

    That's it! I do not know what else to say.

  • MikeT
    edited July 2015

    Hi @maunicaretta,

    But if I restart my computer to give it back problems.

    You have to explain to us what the problem is. We can't help you if all we have to go on is "problems after a reboot".

    Can you provide a screenshot or a video showing the problem?

    If you write in your native language explaining the problem, we might find someone that can translate it for us.

  • mrcnicaretta
    Community Member

    1Password é um software maravilhoso, para mim o que há de melhor no mercado.

    Meu problema não é em relação ao aplicativo em si. Está relacionado as extensões que não funcionam. Ja fiz o download direto do site da AgileBits e também da Google Web Store. E o problema persiste!

    Toda a vez que eu reinicio meu computador a extensão para o Google para de funcionar. Então tenho que realizar o seguinte procedimento.

    Ir até Settings/Extensions e excluir a extensão e voltar a instalar a mesma para que a mesma volte a funcionar no Google.

  • Hi @maunicaretta,

    Thanks, we have someone who can read your language. Can you answer the following questions separately:

    1. After you restart the computer, the 1Password extension in Chrome stop working. Is it not opening when you click on the 1Password icon in Chrome or can you see the 1Password menu but it is not filling into the website?
    2. Can you restart the computer, open the main 1Password program first, and then go to the Help Menu > Restart 1Password Helper. Now, open Chrome, does it work better?
    3. Do you have a security program on your computer to protect you? If yes, what is the name of the program? It is possible this program is blocking 1Password in Chrome from working after a reboot.
  • Hi @maunicaretta,

    A quick test:

    1. Restart your computer, open Internet Explorer, it might ask if you want to allow 1Password. Say yes
    2. Now, try Chrome, does it work?
  • mrcnicaretta
    Community Member

    Olá MikeT.

    • Depois de eu reiniciar o computador a extensão 1Password para Google Chrome volta há não funcionar.
    • Help Menu > Restart 1Password Helper procedimento efetuado. Porém o problema continua.
    • Eu utilizo o Windows Defender como programa para proteção.
    • Abri o IE e ativei a extensão e posteriormente abri o Google Chrome e o problema persiste.
  • Hi @maunicaretta,

    Can you email us your diagnostic report generated after you reproduce the problem with the reboot. Please use this guide to generate a diagnostic report to email to us and, in the email, also include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can look for it, and confirm we got the email.


  • Thanks, we got the email and we've replied to it. Hopefully, we'll find a resolution quickly.

This discussion has been closed.