Logins on multiple URLs problem [Fixed in the update]

Community Member
edited July 2015 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hello !
I have a little problem with the mutiple URLs.

I have a website site which have multiple domain names.

I have created a login item and registered all the Urls.
In the preference pane, the checkbox Use multiple Urls is checked.
I have also registered my domains inside the Matching Domains

Now if I go to the first URL registered in the login item. It will work.
But if I go to the second URL, nothing happens. :(

Do you have an idea ?

I use the windows version with Chrome


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @Hook,

    Can you first update 1Password, it should be 1Password 4.6 now with the extension in Chrome.

    I just tried it and it works for me. Let me know if the update improved it for you.

  • HooK
    Community Member

    Sorry for the late answer !

    So I have installed the last version The Chrome Extension is 4.4.190.
    I still can't use the multi URL's feature :(
    It works only for the top most URL in the login Item. The other are just ignored.

    I tryed to remove domains matching to keep only the URL's list but it's the same thing....

    The only one solution I have is to create a second login item with the second domain :(


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    It works only for the top most URL in the login Item. The other are just ignored.

    Is this setting ON? File > Preferences (Ctrl+P) > Logins > Use Multiple URLs

    Can you share your URLs with us, maybe? Thanks!

  • HooK
    Community Member

    Yes, the setting "Use Multiple URLs" is on.

    Here is the urls:

    The login form and the credentials are the same for both urls.

    I'll give you a screen capture of my login Item. :)


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2015

    @Hook I cannot seem to reproduce this problem.

    First of all, I made sure Enable Multiple URLs is ON. I then followed these steps:

    1. Open Chrome
    2. Navigate to http://power.sidexa.fr
    3. Enter customer ID and Password
    4. Click on 1Password button
    5. Unlock
    6. Click on: Settings > Save new Login
    7. Click on: Save
    8. Click on 1Password button
    9. Right-click on power.sidexa.fr
    10. Click on: Open in 1Password
    11. Click on the Pencil button in the lower-right quadrant
    12. Click on: Add URL
    13. Add: http://power.sidexa.ma
    14. Click on: OK (twice)
    15. Open Chrome
    16. Navigate to http://power.sidexa.ma
    17. Click on 1Password button

    Result: 1Password does display the power.sidexa.fr Login item at the top of the menu.

    Am I missing something maybe? Thanks!

  • HooK
    Community Member
    edited July 2015

    Hi Thanks for your help !
    I followed your steps and it's better but still not working :(

    Now if I navigate to http://power.sidexa.ma and press the 1Password button, it shows me the login item. But if I click it, the form is not filled.
    The shorcut Ctrl + / doens't seems to work :(

    In the login item, if I inverse the order of the URL's, it works with the "ma" url but don't with "fr" url....

    Strange problem :(

    Tonight I will try with my mac at home. Maybe it's a problem with my windows !

  • I seems to be experiencing an entirely different issue:

    While the 1Password extension in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer will always show me the login item, no matter if I navigate to power.sidexa.ma or power.sidexa.fr, the information is not being filled correctly.

    It doesn't matter if I use the keyboard shortcut or the button in the toolbar.

    We'll be interested to hear what you report after trying this on your Mac.

  • HooK
    Community Member
    edited July 2015

    Hello everybody !
    So I've just tried on my mac with 1Password 5.3.2 and Chrome.

    And the result is almost perfect.
    In both sites the login and password are filled correctly.

    But to log in, I've to enter a third credential, input "a_interv" in the form.
    This input is filled only with the first URL.

    It's really better than my windows computer.


    PS : It seems there is no "Use Multiple URLs" in the mac version of 1Password. Is it normal ?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    PS : It seems there is no "Use Multiple URLs" in the mac version of 1Password. Is it normal ?

    @HooK: Correct. 1Password for Mac always has multiple URLs enabled. In 1Password for Windows, this is an option, because searching all URLs can be rather sluggish depending on the system. And since 1Password for Windows works all the way back to XP, it can be useful to disable this feature to make it more responsive. Even on some newer hardware the difference can be noticeable.

    The problem you're having with these two sites is that, well...they're actually two different sites with different login forms. So a login saved on one will have trouble filling on the other because they don't match up. For instance, of you load http://power.sidexa.fr in Internet Explorer you're even presented with a login form that looks different; and there are actually two forms at that URL, both of which are saved in a login you create there. In Chrome, however, they appear superficially similar. Why this is so is just as baffling to me as it is to 1Password. Because of this, I wasn't able to get 1Password to fill correctly in many cases. I've reported this using our Synapse website issue tracker so we can see what can be done to improve this in the future.

    Your other issue is what really concerns me however. In all of my testing (and apparently my colleagues' as well), I didn't encounter any trouble being offered the login for all URLs saved within. And since we apparently have no idea about the exact setup you're using, I wonder if that might be the missing link. Could you tell me the OS and browser versions you're using? I think that might help narrow down the problem. Thanks in advance! :)

  • HooK
    Community Member

    Hello Brenty !
    Thanks a lot for your answer. I understand.

    Today is the Bastille Day, so I'll give you all this information tomorrow when I'll get back on my computer.


  • Cheers @HooK, we're standing by.

  • HooK
    Community Member

    hello !
    Some news on my problem !

    I tried with Internet Explorer 11 and I didn't encounter the problem. The logins are filled correctly with both URLs
    The problem occurs only with Chrome and Firefox.

    My Configuration:
    Windows 7 Pro 64bits SP1
    Chrome 43.0.2357.132 m - Extension
    Firefox 39.0 - Extension 4.4.1

    With these browsers, if I navigate to power.sidexa.ma and press the 1Password button, the login is shown. But it's impossible to get the form filled.


  • This information gives us something to work with.

    The Internet Explorer add-on works a bit differently than the 1Password extensions in Firefox and Chrome. The Internet Explorer is also a very different browser in terms of architecture.

    From my point of view there are two things that we should check:
    1. Either there's something interfering with the 1Password extensions in Firefox and Chrome, which wouldn't be uncommon, if you're using things like ad-blocking extensions.
    2. The 1Password extensions Firefox and Chrome have a problem filling the fields on this site specifically. If that's the case, we can notify our developers about this and they can take a closer look at how the site works to optimise 1Password's filling algorithms for it.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2015

    Either there's something interfering with the 1Password extensions in Firefox and Chrome, which wouldn't be uncommon, if you're using things like ad-blocking extensions.

    @AlexHoffmann if this were the case, then I think @HooK should be having this problem both in power.sidexa.fr and power.sidexa.ma. I think this is probably a problem with our (JavaScript) extension.

  • HooK
    Community Member

    In fact I have AdBlock enabled.
    So I have disabled it and the problem is still there.

  • Hi @HooK,

    We found the cause and will fix it in a beta update soon to 1Password for Windows.

    For now, you can work around this in two ways:

    1. Wait for the update to come, either stable or beta if you want to test it sooner
    2. Create two separate Logins for both pages for now

    If you'd like to test it sooner, please enable the beta update in your 1Password's Preferences and wait for the beta update to fix this. It should be mentioned in the changelog when this is fixed. I'll let you know here as well when we release the update.

    ref: OPW-477

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @HooK version should fix this problem. Can you please download version and confirm the fix? Thanks!

  • HooK
    Community Member

    Hello !
    I have downloaded the version and the problem is now fixed !

    A Big Thank You for all the team ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @HooK: On behalf of svondutch and, well...all of us here at AgileBits, you are most welcome! Thanks for the update. I'm glad we were able to get that resolved. We're here for you if you need anything else! :)

This discussion has been closed.