1Password ext 4.4.1 is not working in Firefox 39 on Win 8.1 Pro

This discussion was created from comments split from: The 1Password extension is not working on mozilla.


  • davs76
    Community Member

    I confirm that it not works.
    win8.1 pro
    firefox 39
    addons 4.4.1

    Please urgently resolve the problem, are five days that no longer able to work properly.


  • MikeT

    Hi @davs76,

    I've split your post from the other thread to focus on your issue.

    Do you have a firewall, a proxy, VPN or any kind of security programs that can interfere with your browsing experience?

  • kbentkowski
    Community Member

    I have 3 different computers with Firefox and 1Password is not working on any of them properly. It tries to fill in every blank possible with my user name, even in date fields. It caused me to lock myself out of my online bank because it was filling in my user id for the security questions. This has been going on for me since Sunday July 5th. Firefox 39.0 and the latest update for 1Password which I have currently removed from my computers.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kbentkowski: As MikeT asked above, do you have security software on your computer(s) that may be blocking 1Password? It sounds like there may have been another software update which caused an issue, since you've indicated that you started having trouble a full week before the 1Password extension was even updated.

    Please tell me the OS, 1Password, browser, and extension versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect. The more information you can give, the better! Thanks in advance! :)

  • kbentkowski
    Community Member

    Here is the scoop as best I can remember as I'm at work. Both my home laptops and my office computer run Win 7 Professional. My work computer is a Mac running Win 7 in bootcamp.

    At work I have the following: 1 Password 4.4.1, Colorful Tabs 27.9, Colorzilla 2.8.1 and LogMeIn Remote Symantic anti-virus corporate edition. I don't know if there is a firewall but there is no proxy that I am aware of and no VPN.

    On my two laptops at home I have TrendMicro anti-virus. I can only remote in to one laptop now as the other one is not turned on and I'm putting it to rest. The extensions I have are 1 Password 4.4.1, Adobe Acrobat DC - Create PDF 15, Trend Micro BEP Firefox Extension and Colorful Tabs 27.9. No VPN, firewall?, whatever is default to MS OS I believe.

    I just find it strange that I'm having this trouble on all three of my computers. My son says to switch to Chrome, but I'm very comfortable with Firefox and all my bookmarks are there.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    but I'm very comfortable with Firefox and all my bookmarks are there.

    Bookmarks can be easily migrated between Firefox and Chrome.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kbentkowski: That's fine! I'm willing to bet that we can get 1Password working for you with Firefox...but using Chrome might be a good temporary workaround while we troubleshoot, rather than having you just quit using the internet. ;)

    So let's proceed this way. Just try each of these steps in sequence to see if it helps:

    1. Restart your computer
    2. Disable your antivirus software temporarily
    3. Uninstall the 1Password extension
    4. Check for updates in Firefox settings
    5. Restart Firefox
    6. Install the 1Password extension
    7. Try to use 1Password at several sites that worked for your previously to test it, and let us know the results (including the URLs!)

    It seems like we've seen more instances of Firefox profiles getting corrupt lately, so there may be a deeper issue. And while it would be strange for three different computers to exhibit the same problem suddenly, it's also notable that Firefox 39 was released on July 2nd; so it may be that there was an issue with that particular update on your machines. I know Chrome can also exhibit some odd behaviour and flat out fail when updating in place at times. Often a simple reboot will sort it out though.

    If you're still having trouble, the best thing to do would be to generate a diagnostic report and send it to support+forums at agilebits dot com so we can look at the logs to determine exactly what is happening. Just be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'. We will get to the bottom of this! :)

  • davs76
    Community Member

    I'm really frustrated with this problem
    the problem occurs randomly.
    Today there's no way to make it work.
    Please investigate urgently.
    It is not possible to use it in this way.
    recommend using chrome is not a solution!
    I tried to run but does not work as indicated
    Yesterday he worked all day

  • @davs76

    Like my colleague Brent said in the previous comment, there may be something wrong with Firefox or your user profile.
    Can you please follow the steps outlined in the comment just above your post and tell us if there's any improvement?

    If not, it might be good to know which extensions you're using in Firefox besides 1Password as there might be a new incompatibility that we're not aware of, yet, and tell us which anti-malware software you're using.

  • davs76
    Community Member

    I tried to follow the steps indicated, the result does not change
    Use the following additional components:
    1 PASSWORD 4.4.1

  • AlexHoffmann
    edited July 2015

    @davs76 Have you taken a look at our 'Troubleshooting communication issues between 1Password and the extension' knowledge base article, yet?

    F-Secure isn't know to cause problems when used alongside 1Password but maybe that has changed. It would make sense to check whether the software is configured correctly.

  • davs76
    Community Member

    i have

    • disable f-secure
    • disable windows firewall
    • reinstall mozilla e 1 password agg

    same problem!
    the problem started after that came out mozilla 39

    Please find a solution


  • @davs76 I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Windows PC after you try clicking the 1Password extension button in Firefox.

    Once it's generated, please attach it to an email addressed to support+windows@agilebits.com and add a link to this conversation.
    We need to have a closer look at your setup. I've been trying to reproduce the issue with F-Secure's software but haven't been able to do so.

  • kbentkowski
    Community Member

    My 1Password seems to be working correctly now on Firefox. Thanks for your help but it seemed to fix itself.

  • MikeT

    Hi @kbentkowski,

    That's great, thanks for letting us know. Please do keep us informed if anything changes.

  • davs76
    Community Member

    I found the problem.

    if I disable and then immediately restore the option "verify web browse code signature"
    firefox addon working properly.

    I think at this point a bug of 1Password.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the update! I'm glad that worked for you. We'll look into it to see what might be the cause. :)

This discussion has been closed.