Feature Request: Add Combinations
I would like to see a new category: Combinations (such as those for locks and safes).
We have a safe or two and a few combination locks that we'd like to keep in 1Password.
Currently, we have to use a "Secure Note".
I think "Combinations" would be a useful category for your users.
1Password Version: 5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.4
Sync Type: iCloud
Hi @tim_newton,
Consider that a lock is really a Login without a URL or Username. Or you can use a Secure Note, and add a custom field of type Password.
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I wonder how many users have enough combinations to justify the creation of a separate category. For myself, I have one, for the lock for my luggage, which provides only the illusion of security anyway.
I have similar thoughts about some of the categories 1Password does have, too. How many drivers licenses do I have? If I'm tracking family, surely a small number, and if it's just me, only one. Same for Social security numbers. I will say that having the customized format for those, and Passports, is very handy.
Perhaps one day AgileBits will add the capability for users to make their own custom categories. If I were to wager, I'd bet they eventually will. (This is only my own private speculation, informed by no inside information whatever. And my own private speculations have proven wrong, most disappointingly when I guessed Apple wouldn't dare cut off applications sold by third parties from iCloud.)
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I agree; it should be very usefull when one can make his own categories.
The function of maps is confusing; after making a new map you have to choose from the pre-defined items from the diff. categ. Why? Make it totally free.
And not only that; I want to be able to cut and copy an item and to place in another categorie when making a mistake.
And what is the need of a extra pasword for another vault when all are being opened by the mean-pasw.???
And every one need to know the mean-PW or am I wrong?
I need the option to have more PassWords IN 1 PW; especially for the "secrets" cat. for sometimes you share 1PW for a part of it.
I want to remove permanently some items out f the bin, not all at once!! Why not possible???1 PW is an important program but a number of items are old-date-programmed and certainly not user-friendly.
So, their is a lot of work to do to make it 2020 proof!0 -
Hi @tim_newton,
I wonder if the Password item would be satisfactory for your needs? It's normal use case is a way to temporarily store passwords generated by the 1Password Password Generator but I find the item type is useful for permanent items too. I use it for iOS app PINs, passwords for encrypted disk images - anything where I need to record a password for a specific item and it isn't a Login item and never will serve a purpose in being one. That category is what springs to mind when you describe your situation but you may have thoughts on the matter so we'll certainly be interested to hear.
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I just discovered a new remarkable issue; when I make a map to sort my items better than with the given categories (I need e.g. at least 'insurance's' and 'medicine" wo not? But I am for sure the only one in this whole world) than I have to make a choice from the determined options to get a field to fill in my data... But no one fits the wanted fields... So, the best one than, eg 'secret notes'. But surprise! it seems now that my data is also stored in the categorie 'secrets' where it in fact has to do NOTHING! In my opinion: a stupid and confusing programming. The use of maps ???
And the function 'move' only works from vault to vault, not from cat. to cat.; the most important option.
I am disappointed for its old fashioned way of thinking and programming; no 'apple-styl; cut/copy and drop".
Again, a lot to improve boys, Succes!Btw; do I get a mail-sign when there is a respons on it?
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Hi @ronald27,
Let's start off with I would hope 1Password will appear to be quite a different application by 2020. Five years of development should see a few changes I would hope :wink:
- We require each vault to have it's own password so they can be shared with others if that is the intended goal. You would never want to share a vault that uses the same Master Password as your primary vault as if somebody else knew your personal password they could access all of your private Login items. By allowing every vault to have its own password we allow the user to ensure they don't leak access to vaults they didn't intend to. On the Windows platform only a single vault can be opened at a time so each vault's password must be known to the users that need access.
- Does the Password category that I mentioned to tim_newton help at all? I'm not sure I'm fully understanding your scenario when you talk about secrets and sharing. It might be a bit more detail and I'll properly understand.
- I'll add your thoughts about selective deletion of the Trash to an existing feature request I've found. Please don't take the next part as a no, it isn't my decision to make, but to the best of my knowledge our Trash behaves in a way similar to Trash objects elsewhere e.g. OS X & Windows. It would seem following the behaviour set by the operating system would mean it should seem familiar to the user.
- The idea of customisable categories is a popular one and I will add your voice to the request. The reason it hasn't happen yet is, I believe, mostly to do with backwards compatibility as well as how far into the code the hardcoded categories go. For example, we treat certain categories in a special way for filling reasons.
If I've missed anything please do let us know and we can address each in turn :smile:
ref: OPM-1418
ref: OPM-16430 -
Thanks for the suggestion of using a "Password." It does seem a better fit than the "Secure Note" strategy that I've been using.
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I hope it helps @tim_newton :smile: I find the Password category is an underrated one and is in fact a handy type for quite a few different areas.
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the most new 2015 options I want (asap!) are:
1. able to make my own categories and/or:
2. unlink "maps" from categories when making a map.
3. remove content from cat. to cat. in a simple (apple) way.
4. for each vault an unique pasword so that every user have its own private space in 1 Pw.
5. an empty map or categorie with only room for notations, photo's, upload etc. Thus no predefined items which never cover my wishes.
Succes!0 -
Hi @ronald27,
You've used the term map a few times now but it isn't a term we use here when referring to 1Password. Can I ask what you mean when you say map?
Regarding 4. I've added your thoughts to the relevant feature request :smile:
Regarding 4. Every vault has its own user-defined password already. What it almost sounds like you're asking for is more a multi-user environment but OS X gives us that for free. It would seem unlikely that we will duplicate such a feature given each person can have their own OS X user account. Maybe I'm not understanding the request?
ref: OPM-1735
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- I try again and than I stop this:
the term map is from the rolmenu in Dutch:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z92e10dqorp1wc4/Schermafdruk 2015-07-14 19.10.26.png?dl=0
I do not know the E. translation. The third option is the "new map". This seem to be linked to cat. Un-link that; no reason. - I share 1Pw with fam. on the same comp. and want a secret part only accessible for the owner of that part. Even forbidden for e.g. the moderator no entrance. That's all. The option of a other account is complicated.
- regarding to 3 and 5; has this been sent to the developers too?
0 - I try again and than I stop this:
Ah-ha! "Map" --> "Folder".
Folders are simply a singular place to "store" an Item within a Vault. See Folders and Tags.
Hopefully this info is useful to @ronald27.
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Thanks for the assist @MrC! :)
@ronald27, does MrC's answer & user guide link help to explain the purpose of Folders in 1Password?
You also asked about "3 and 5". If I understand those requests, you're asking about changing an item from one category to another, and also about creating custom categories. If so, then yes - your feedback has definitely been sent to our developers. Thanks for letting us know!
We're here for you if you need anything else. :)
ref: OPM-1735
ref: OPM-16430 -
Feature Request: User-definable categories
After using it for several years, 1 Password has become increasingly essential to my life. As I get older, I find I have more medical and insurance issues. It would be nice if there were either a medical folder (for prescriptions, etc.) or an insurance folder, although I've been keeping my insurance info in memberships lately. The easy solution would be to have an option that allows users to define, say, four additional categories beyond the pre-defined ones.
Keep up the good work!
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Hi @lmhinman ,
Probably the easiest way for you to do this is to a) add tags your items such as Medical or Insurance, and b) create a Smart Folders that query for the relevant tags. This way, you get Folders that that automatically "collect" the items as you see fit.
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Thanks. That sounds like a helpful approach. Increasingly 1Password has become my secure information manager.
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Hi @lmhinman,
It's awesome to hear that 1Password is your secure information manager! Thanks so much for the suggestion for a medical category. I agree, that's a great type of information to have stored securely.
I've been using the Secure Notes category for all of these little bits of information that don't quite fit into our existing categories. Now that we have custom fields available for that category, it's a really powerful little database.
As MrC says, adding tags to let you organize things into a Smart Folder goes even further to making this almost as good as a dedicated category! Of course, I'm happy to let our team know that you'd like to see an official category for this in the future, but I do hope this helps make your life a bit easier in the meantime.