Feature Request: Provide navigation to related items
I have many items that have strong relations to each other. For example, a credit card item and a password item for accessing the credit card web site. If I have the credit card item displayed, I want to be able to navigate from the credit card item to the password item (and vice versa). A possible scenario for this is that I used the Credit Card category to find the credit card, but now I want to login to the bank website and check my account balance or activity.
I can use a tag to associate the two items. If I have the credit card item displayed I can see the tag and then manually look for the tag in the side bar. That feels slow and clunky. Also I have about 120 tags. In the side bar I tend to keep the tags hidden. It would be great if I could click on the tag within the Credit Card item and select from a popup list of all items with the same tag. However in some cases the popup list could be quite long.
It would also be great if there was a field type that represented a link to another item. I could then add a field in the Credit Card item that navigates to the Password item.
1Password 5
Version 5.3.2 (532001)
Agile Web Store
1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.4
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hi Jonathan ( @jrdodds ),
Thank you for the detailed request and ideas for inter-item navigation and linking. Similar requests have come up before; here's one of the more recent discussions:
Linked passwords, items [feature request]
I've made sure your thoughts about this also get passed along to our developers for consideration. :)
ref: OPM-2176