Triggering iCloud sync…
It's happened where I've created a new item on one device, then wanted to view/edit it shortly thereafter on another (Mac or iOS) device. But the "right" conditions to auto-trigger a sync don't occur, and I'm left with a split environment.
Back in the day, when I used DropBox for syncing 1PW, there was a button I could click on to force a sync to run. But, all I've found to do now is to create a trash item, save that, then delete it. Now I've also found here on the forum that a lock/unlock will also do it. Regardless, could iCloud sync get a "sync now" button?
Hi @roens,
The reason there isn't a Sync Now button is that Apple's push notifications are meant to handle informing each copy of 1Password of changes to the iCloud sync container. If this is working it means a manual sync is meaningless as 1Password syncs the changes as soon as it is notified. The trouble at the moment is a small number of users are having problems where 1Password attempts to register for the notifications but is informed it isn't allowed. We haven't pinned down why this is happening yet unfortunately.
We could confirm if this is the case for you by looking at a diagnostic report. If you would like confirmation then I would like you to create the following Diagnostic Report please. This guide will assist.
Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums
The email address you will want to use is
When sending the diagnostic report to the address above it would help immensely if you could include a link to this thread and your forum handle so we can connect the two.
Once you've sent the report a post here with the ticket ID will help us to keep an eye out for it. With access to the report we should be able to better assist you :smile:
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I'm game… I generated & sent report from both computers involved.
ref: LPG-56436-923
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Oh yeah, I should clarify, for anyone reading this in the future… The split environment I described is temporary. If I were to wait "some length of time" longer than the couple minutes I have patience for in this situation, an auto-sync would likely occur on its own. All of this delightful iCloud syncing of various data has led me to have certain expectations about how long one must wait for data to be the same on all devices…
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@roens: Indeed. For those of us used to having more control over these types of things, iCloud can be a bit...opaque. And while there are a lot of factors that can affect the speed and consistency of syncing, we unfortunately just don't have any insight into any of it when it comes to iCloud.