1Password fails to handle multiple password fields
Although 1Password remembers the webform data from this site, it is unable to repopulate both fields
1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version: 532001
OS Version: 10.10.4
Sync Type: Not Provided
Which field isn't being populated of the three shown on that site? I can't imagine how 1Password would be able to detect the "security code" that has to be repeated in the third field, at least if it changes each time you log in.
Does that security code change each time you read the site? Or even often? When I refresh the site, the code does not change. If that's always the case, I'll ask if you've tried the process on:
How to manually save a Login
That has worked for me when there are three fields required to log in to a site. But it won't be able to automate things, unless that security code never changes. And if it never changes, it's hard for me to believe it has anything whatever to do with actual security.
If the security code does change frequently, you could still save the login manually, but stop after completing the first two fields, then select the option to never autosubmit in that record.
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Maybe you can give it a try with that URL (since 1Password doesn't check to see if the password is "right" or not before prompting to save). I don't expect it to fill out the challenge - but I haven't been able to get it to work at all. It will capture the data, but then it won't fill it out when I return to the page - it only fills out the middle password field - even though there is info than that in the 1Password entry. I have tried everything I can think of, including manually creating the entry in 1Password. Let me know if you can get it to work. I couldn't.
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OK, I went to your site and entered a dummy member number and password, then followed the instructions for saving a login manually. This essentially means that I typed in the Member Number and the Password, then stopped. I then opened mini, clicked the gear icon next to where the name of the vault is shown, and clicked "Save a new Login." After doing so, I found that new record and edited it. I changed the option about submitting the credentials to Never submit. Now, when I click on the URL in the newly save record, the proper web site opens, the dummy member number I made up and the dummy password fill properly, and the screen sits there awaiting input for the security code. I can't go farther, because I don't have an account, But I'm confident that the proper information has been entered into the first two fields. I'm also sure that if the credentials otherwise were correct, entering the security code manually and clicking the Submit button would get me logged in.
Here's a screen capture showing where to change the option about auto submitting:
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Hi @cwd,
It looks like there was a problem with the link from hawkmoth's first reply, so I made a small correction to that, and it should work now. For your convenience, here's that link again:
How to manually save a Login
Hawkmoth also explained those steps in his second reply, so you may have already tried that. If not, remember that if the Security Code (i.e. the third field) on that site changes each time to need to sign in, you'll need to leave that empty when saving the new Login item in 1Password, and edit the new Login item to disable auto-submit. I tried the same exact steps that hawkmoth listed, and it works for me as well, so hopefully that helps.
If you're still having trouble with that, just let us know, thanks! :)
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Perfect. Good trick to know about the "manual save" - that seems to be a good workaround.
Here's why I think there is still a bug - the steps to reproduce:
- Visit that URL
- Enter information in all three fields
- Submit
- Save the login
- Open 1Password
- Edit the entry
- Change "Submit" to "Never Submit"
- Choose "Show web form Details"
- Remove the field "ThreeWay"
- Return to the webpage, refresh, and tell 1Password to autofill with the newly saved information
The result is that only the "password" field is populated - the other two fields are empty.
It looks like the difference between my method and the "manual" method is that the manual method will save the field titled "ThreeWay" with a blank value - whereas my method is removing the "ThreeWay" field from the saved record altogether.
That leaves two fields present - and if 1Password is identifying the fields by their name="" attributes it should be able to fill in both of them regardless of whether or not there is another field on the form that doesn't have a saved value - right?
Otherwise it seems saved logins would "break" on many sites when their web-masters added extra fields.
Anyhow, thanks to you and hawkmoth for the information - now I've got my workaround.
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Great to know! Thanks for the report.
I can't comment about your outline, since I am not a developer, but I can comment that the reason saving a login manually often works is that it gives 1Password a chance to record all the relevant underlying web structure, which sometime fails when a user auto saves a new record. Also, it's worthwhile remembering this for the times when an existing password record that once worked fine, stops doing so. That usually means something has changed on the web page end, and the manual save lets 1Password get updated on the new page structure. So keep this in mind as you continue to use the software.
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Hi @cwd,
I'm glad to hear that Hawkmoth's steps got the Login item saved the way you wanted it! As he mentions, those steps are our recommended 'teach 1Password to fill here' steps.
I've done some testing here, and I can recreate your steps. Since I'm also not a developer, I'm not quite sure where the disconnect is happening, but I do recommend following Hawkmoth's steps to ensure that your Login is behaving the way you want it to. :)