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Saving a login manually and web form id's are not stored

Community Member

For the website when I go to login it is not offering to save my login information. When I enter the information on the webpage and save the login manually the information is saved but there are no ids in the web form details (so the login will not work). I do not see a way to add the id's to the web form details manually.

1Password Version: 4.4.3
Extension Version: 4.4.2
OS Version: 10.9.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @CharlesM

    I initially tried testing out your issue using my own Mac, but I'm running 1Password 5 for Mac over Yosemite, and couldn't confirm it. Then I tried with your exact setup but in a virtual machine - 1Password 4 for Mac version 4.4.3 using the latest extension, and sure enough, there was your issue, just as you described.

    However, I was able to solve the issue by reverting to version 4.3.1 of 1Password's Safari extension. If you want to go this route, you'll need to trash any items for AHS you've tried to create in 1Password; I had to create a new one, manually, using 4.3.1, and then it worked afterwards. If you want to do this, you'll also need to disable automatic updates for Safari extensions, or Safari will continue to update you to 4.4.2 (or whatever's newest) periodically, which will break this login again.

    Probably the best solution of all - if it's a possible one for you - is to upgrade to 1Password 5 for Mac and use the most-recent version of the significantly-upgraded brain that's available there since version 5.3.

  • CharlesM
    Community Member


    I've been holding off on Yosemite due to all the reported problems. Do you think that enough of the problems have been fixed at this point or should I hold off for the next version of OS X (and upgrade 1Password then)?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @CharlesM,

    Most of us here at AgileBits have been running Yosemite, simply because we need to be able to run, test and troubleshoot 1Password 5 for all of our lovely users. There were a number of networking annoyances at the start but Apple have reverted to mDNSResponder in 10.10.4 after discoveryd didn't go quite as smoothly as it should have. Other than that I can't say I've really noticed any show stoppers in all of my usage. What problems were you concerned about?

  • CharlesM
    Community Member

    Lars, So I updated to Yosemite and 1Password 5.3.2. Now when I manually save the login information for there are still no id's saved for the fields when I look in the web form details. The login data is stored but the password data is saved as a bunch of dots (not what I typed in).


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2015

    @CharlesM: So, I was able to manually save a Login item there using 1Password...but the password will be invalid if this is done, since the website is using Javascript to mangle the password after you input it (replacing it with several "•", so that the password I entered saved as "•••••••s"). Here's what 1Password was able to save as a result:

    Now 1Password was able to successfully fill the form all at once, but of course the webpage does not like this, because it's trying to modify your input, one character at a time. So this seems to be the source of your problem.

    I'm sorry to say that there isn't a way for 1Password to fight this at this time (short of the workaround Lars suggested), but please do report it using our Synapse website issue tracker so the development team can look at it to see if there's a way to work around this in the future.

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