secret code error
The secret word never shows up when I am on the same wireless network with my computer and iPhone 6 plus. I have always had problems with sync issues. Any suggestions? I am about to delete the program and buy something that is a lot easier to use.
1Password Version: 5.4 Beta-26(540026)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Yosemite 10.10.3
Sync Type: WiFi
Referrer: kb-search:wifi sync errors, kb:switch-to-wifi
Please help me figure the sync issue out between my computer and iPhone 6+
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Just reporting that I deleted your duplicate post. I'm sure the help you need will be along soon. I don't use WiFi sync, so I am not one to assist in this case.
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Oh ok. Thank you very much! I actually can't get anything to sync! I would prefer iCloud or something else. I appreciate your post.
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Was your copy of 1Password for Mac purchased from the Apple Mac App Store? If not, iCloud won't be an option for you because Apple doesn't allow access to the required protocols to applications they haven't sold themselves. Dropbox, however, is a completely reliable option, if your copy came from the AgileBits web store instead.
Edit: I just reread your original post and see that you are using the OS X beta for 1Password for Mac. That only comes from AgileBits, not the Mac App Store, so iCloud won't be an option for you, unless you buy a license from the Mac App Store.
Have you tried setting up Dropbox syncing before? Instructions for doing so are here:
And if iCloud is your preference and you have the right version of the OS X application, directions for that are here:
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Please explain exactly what you mean by:
The secret word never shows up when I am on the same wireless network with my computer and iPhone 6 plus.
Do you mean you don't see the secret on:
- your Mac; or
- your iPhone?
How far on each device have you progressed with setting up wifi sync? Please explain the exact steps you take and exactly where it all goes wrong for you. :)
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Hi @utjazz1 ,
I'm sorry to hear that you're having difficulty keeping things in sync! It looks like you've already gotten some good advice here. As Hawkmoth says, if you're looking for something more automatic, with the 1Password beta on your Mac Dropbox is the way to go. If you're having difficulty setting that up, we'd be more than happy to help - just let us know where in the process things are getting tangled up!
If you would prefer to continue troubleshooting the Wi-Fi sync, it would be very helpful if you answered Stephen's questions, so we can get a better idea of what's going wrong, and where. :)