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1Password incompatibility w/ Chrome v46 (Dev builds) [this incompatibility issue has been resolved]



  • zilvinasu
    Community Member

    Running into same issues on 46.0.2467.2 Dev. It's just a matter of time when 1password will break in Beta and Stable channels.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Running into same issues on 46.0.2467.2 Dev. It's just a matter of time when 1password will break in Beta and Stable channels.

    @zilvinasu: I think you're conflating the purpose of these channels. Canary, much like it's name, is meant to be a testing ground so that these issues can be fixed before it gets to beta and eventually stable. If Google doesn't iron out the kinks, won't be very stable in the end, now, will it? ;)

    And if Google for some reason doesn't address prerelease issues before pushing it out to more users, there will be a lot more problems than just our little extension, so I can't imagine that they aren't hard at work on fixing and testing, probably as I write this. The fact that we've even seen 46 releases of Chrome is a testament to that. :)

  • zilvinasu
    Community Member
    edited August 2015

    @brenty from what I understand in @littlebobbytables response, it's more like a problem in your side since Chrome is updating the way communications work between extensions and browser itself in later versions of Google Chrome, or is it some bug in Google Chrome?

    " For now our extension simply won't work in the developer build until our own developers have completely rewritten how communication works between the Chrome extension and 1Password mini. It's not going to be a small tweak so I would expect our extension not to work for a while I'm afraid."

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @brenty from what I understand in @littlebobbytables response, it's more like a problem in your side since Chrome is updating the way communications work between extensions and browser itself in later versions of Google Chrome, or is it some bug in Google Chrome?

    @zilvinasu: This sounds to me like Chrome changed, rather than 1Password (otherwise it would continue to work for us all after the Canary update). Indeed, we'll make any necessary changes when the time comes, but not at the expense of supporting the stable version of Chrome. To be clear, even if Chrome ultimately breaks extensions, we'll simply have to work around that. There's no other option, for us and for our users. But at this stage, it's far too early. :pirate:

  • hfawaz
    Community Member

    I installed the Windows version of 1Password on my Windows 10 Machine yesterday and the Chrome extension for 1Password but never completed setup or even opened 1Password to access my data. However trying to access 1Password using my Mac via chrome and the chrome extension it keeps saying it can't find the 1P app. I've deleted the extension and re-added. I've closed Chrome (up to date) and re-opened. I have 1Password 5, the latest version from the Mac app store, but it seems that every time I install the chrome 1P extension, it seems to look for version 4? (windows version) of 1P. When I ask to install the chrome extension, it accesses the 1P Mini which suggest I install the chrome extension which in turn starts the circle over again. clicking the iPassword chrome button brings up a new tab that searches for 1Password then highlights the mini 1P. Very frustrating.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @hfawaz,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble with the 1Password extension in Chrome on your Mac!

    To help us figure out what's causing the problem, can you please let us know some more details:

    • What version of Mac OS X are you running?
    • What exact version of the 1Password app is installed on your Mac?
    • What version of Chrome are you using on your Mac?
    • What version of the 1Password extension is installed in Chrome?
    • Do you see the 1Password icon in both Chrome's toolbar as well as in your Mac's menu bar?
    • Is the main 1Password app working on your Mac? (In other words, can you open it and see all your data?)
    • When did the problem start? Was it working correctly on your Mac before?

    Once we know that information, we should have a better idea of what's happening. Thanks in advance!

  • gsetser
    Community Member

    I am having this problem. It was working fine, then it wasn't. It stopped working for me about 4 or 5 days ago.
    I'm running
    Mac OS 10.9.5.
    1Password vs 4.4.2
    Chrome: 46.0.2471.2 dev (64-bit)
    I can see 1Password icon in both Chrome toolbar as well as in Mac menu bar
    Main 1Password app is working on my Mac. And it seems to be working on the menu bar on my Mac. Just not in Chrome.
    It is working on Safari vs. 7.1.7, but I rarely use the Safari browser.

  • hfawaz
    Community Member

    Actually I entered all those options in the respective boxes and apparently it it didn't take for whatever reason. And you're asking questions I already provided background on in my narrative. I am using Mac OSX 10.10.4, 1Password 5.3 from the Mac App Store, chrome is up to date 46.0.2471.2 and the extension is whatever version your link from the software provides today which is Main app is working and data is visible. 1P icon is visible in the menubar and in the browser. 1P works in Safari. This seems to have started when I installed 1Password for Windows on my Windows 10 machine and downloaded the chrome extension on that machine yesterday. With all due respect, my narrative provides all this information so I'm not sure why you're trying to provide a solution when it's clear you havent studied the problem.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2015

    Hi @hfawaz and @gsetser,

    Thank you very much for the details! I hope you don't mind, but I've merged your messages into an existing discussion about the problem you're having.

    It looks like you are both using Chrome 46, which is a developer branch. There are some changes in that version of Chrome which unfortunately have broken compatibility with the 1Password extension. Our developers are working on updating our extension so it will work with those changes, but for now we recommend switching to the latest stable version of Chrome (currently 44). You can find some more information here: Prerelease (beta, dev, nightly) browser builds

    You can find more information in earlier posts in this thread, such as this post from Scott.

    If you have any trouble getting the 1Password extension to work in the stable version of Chrome, please let us know and we'll be happy to help!

    @hfawaz, the answers to the questions I asked you were not in your original message, which is why I asked them. ;)

  • Jamesits
    Community Member

    On OS X 10.11 Beta 5 and Chrome Version 46.0.2471.2 dev (64-bit), whether the stable or beta release of Chrome extension won't detect 1Password App so the browser extension refuse to work.

    1Password Version: 5.4-BETA-30
    Extension Version: Beta
    OS Version: OS X 10.11 Beta (15A244d)
    Sync Type: Dropbox

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Jamesits,

    This is a known issue with the 1Password extension and Chrome 46. I've moved your post to the primary discussion about it, where Drew's post right above yours has more explanation. :)

  • JAB1
    Community Member
    edited August 2015

    Am not able to use the open and fill feature....stopped putting in my user name and password and then filling....I just upgraded to the latest version of OS I doing something wrong?...was working so well prior to this.... what do I need to do? Thanks for any advice...

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Please tell us:

    • What version of 1P for Mac you are using
    • How you prompt 1P to fill in login details (e.g., do you use the ⌘\ shortcut when on the relevant page, do you click on open and fill from the relevant item in the main 1P app?)


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JAB1,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with 1Password! Like Stephen says though, we'll need a bit more detail on this issue in order to help you get it straightened out. The answers to his questions will help a lot. :)

  • JAB1
    Community Member

    Using 1P 5.3.2......I click on open and ok in Safari...

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JAB1,

    I'm sorry, there's still not a lot of detail to go on here. Are you seeing an error message when you try to open and fill? Which browser is giving you trouble if it is still working in Safari?

    Please note, the more detail you're able to provide, the more quickly we can help you solve this! If it's simpler, you're welcome to send in a screenshot of this. To include it in your reply, simply click the document button in the top of the comment field, and select the file you wish to share:

    Just be sure you're not showing any sensitive information in the screenshot!

  • JAB1
    Community Member

    Hi Megan......I open iP5, go to logins, and pick a login...I click on the web fill area which takes me to the website, but my user name and password are not being autofilled...this is only happening in the latest edition, upgrade to Chrome...did not happen prior to the upgrade....

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    upgrade to Chrome.

    Please tell us what version of Chrome you are using.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JAB1,

    In addition to your version of Chrome, can you please also let us know the following:

    • What version of the 1Password extension is installed in Chrome?
    • Is this a problem for just one of your Login items, or does the same issue happen with all your Logins?
    • If the problem happens with one specific site, can you let us know the URL of that site?
    • In Chrome, try going to the website first, make sure you can see the login form, then click the 1Password extension icon in Chrome's toolbar and select your Login item for that site. Does that work?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  • gross
    Community Member

    August 20, Version 46.0.2488.0 canary (64-bit), everything started working magically today!

  • JAB1
    Community Member

    Using Chrome version 46.0.2486.... is the 1P extension.....

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2015

    Hi @JAB1,

    Thanks! Chrome 46 is currently a prerelease version of Chrome, also known as a Dev or Canary build. There's a known issue in that version if Chrome which causes a problem for the 1Password extension. I hope you don't mind, but I've merged your discussion with this existing thread about the same issue.

    We recently posted about this on our blog here: Adventures in beta testing, continued: Google Chrome Canary

    For now, we recommend switching to the latest stable version of Chrome (currently 44). You can find some more information here: Prerelease (beta, dev, nightly) browser builds

    Also, it looks like @gross is reporting that the problem has been solved in 46.0.2488.0 (Canary), so if you'd like to continue using the Canary build, you should update to the latest to see if that also solves the problem for you. Or, if you don't need to be using a prerelease build, you might still want to switch to the latest stable version.

    If you have more questions about that, please let us know! :)

  • mc-o
    Community Member

    Yippee! This appears to have been fixed in 46.0.2490.0 canary (64-bit) on OS X.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mc-o,

    Thanks for confirming your success using the 1Password extension with that recent Chrome Canary build. :+1:

    Community Member

    This appears to be fixed. I'm on "Version 47.0.2491.0 canary (64-bit)" and just used the extension to sign in here to reply :smile:

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Glad to hear it's also working for you, @JFSIII. :+1:

  • pjm
    Community Member
    edited September 2015

    Stopped working for me this day

    OSX 10.10.5
    Chrome 45.0.2454.93 (64-bit)
    1Password 5.3 AppStore
    1Password Extension

  • pjm
    Community Member

    Strange. After putting the MBP to sleep, waking again and changing the network, it works again.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pjm,

    Glad your issue cleared itself up after a sleep/wake and network change. If you have any further trouble please start a new discussion and we'll help you out!

    Closing this discussion now that the original issue reported here of incompatibility between 1Password and Chrome v46 builds has been resolved.

This discussion has been closed.