Why can't 1Password work consistently in browsers like Roboform


  • Hammerhead
    Community Member
    edited August 2015

    I'm once again surprised and disappointed. This is my second go at 1P, having made a clean install of W10 and thought I'd abandon Roboform in favor of 1Password. No sooner do I try to fill CC info into PayPal, than it's another glitch. Last time, it was a case where 1P lost its mind and got stuck in a continual loop filling in passwords until I had to shut down the browser and disable 1P. And don't get me started on your mobile app and the lack of integration with the most popular browsers and/or keyboards.

    I really want to like 1P because I like the implementation of the UI, the cross-platform data and (hopefully) a working mobile implementation, but I've never had any of these problems with Roboform. It just seems that every time we turn around, there's another bug that prevents the product from fulfilling its basic function. It would be great if someone could explain why it is that Siber systems can manage to keep working where 1P fails. I just don't get it, and I'm running out of excuses for why to spend another $50 on top of what I've already invested in Roboform for a password manager that keeps having a hissy-fit.

    Sorry if I sound negative - I'm not looking to beat you guys up, but you have to do so little to surpass other password managers out there, yet there's continual failure on the basics. I just don't understand it, and it's frustrating to see a product with so much potential just keep 'missing'.

    /rant ;-)

  • MikeT
    edited August 2015

    Hi @Hammerhead,

    I've split your post from the other thread as it is off the topic and I can also address your statements directly:

    . No sooner do I try to fill CC info into PayPal, than it's another glitch. Last time, it was a case where 1P lost its mind and got stuck in a continual loop filling in passwords until I had to shut down the browser and disable 1P.

    We do apologize, we do not have any excuses for this as we've missed testing it on Windows when we released the extension updates that works on both OS X and Windows platforms, both issues appeared on Windows only. We're scaling up resources to make sure we cover Windows better next time.

    And don't get me started on your mobile app and the lack of integration with the most popular browsers and/or keyboards.

    I'm not sure which mobile platform you're referring to but on iOS platform, apps cannot integrate with other apps by force. Each app has to add support for extensions manually, that means we cannot simply add other browsers we want, they have to add support for 1Password manually. iOS sandboxes each app to protect from other apps.

    As for the keyboard, again I'm not sure what you are referring to but Apple does not allow third party keyboards on secure fields, which mean we cannot build our own keyboard to fill in your data securely.

    I just don't understand it, and it's frustrating to see a product with so much potential just keep 'missing'.

    We hear you and we wish we can say more. We do understand the frustrations you're feeling and while we are working on fixing these issues as soon as possible, we're working on figuring out a better foundation for these extensions that is a bit not where we want it to be right now.

  • Hi @Secret_Squirrel,

    I've split your post from the other thread to merge into this thread as you wanted to reply to the previous post that I've also split.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @SecretSquirrel: Thank you — both for the kind words and the fair criticism. It's really just unacceptable that this bug has had a negative impact on you and everyone else. And while it doesn't help right now (apart from the workaround), we're going to get this fixed and make sure that this doesn't happen again!

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