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Printing Single Login Records to Labels

Community Member

I use a Demo LabelWriter Duo to make up printed physical backup index cards for my client Login/Password details. I would like to be able to print single records to labels on this device but there appears to be some controls missing from the Print Dialogue that are causing the printout to not be formatted correctly (I am using OS X Yosemite).

When I use the Share icon to "Print", the preview shows a tiny label in the middle of a full letter size paper. When hooked to the correct printer setting, I get the options Layout, Paper Handling, Cover Page and Printer Features.

In Layout I can set pages per Sheet (which is "1" in my instance) and a Border (and can Reverse PageOrientation and Flip Horizontal) but there is no Page Orientation. In Paper Handling I can set the Destination Paper Size to the correct Label size available in the Printer Setting, and check "Scale to fit Paper Size" if needed.

But the issue is that there is no ability to change the "Orientation of the printout on the label, and there is no option to exclude the Header and Footer (which are appearing, and what I believe are making the output so small).

I am not familiar with whether the print setting dialogue is a function of the Printer's Driver or the Agile Bits 1Password software.

Any ideas how I might begin to solve my printing issue? (I could "Export" the data and work that way, but I was hoping to be able to print the standard 1Password layout as it is given.)

Thank you!!

1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.4
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:printing, kb-search:page size


  • websherpa
    Community Member

    (Actually I see that the same dilemma exists for any other printers I have, there is no ability to remove the Header / Footer, nor change the Page Orientation in the Mac Print dialogue that I can find. So it seems to me that those options are set by the 1Password software.)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Hi @websherpa ,

    Perhaps you are interested in the print capability of the convert_to_1p4 utility. See the example in the Samples folder in the referenced Agilebits Utilities folder.

    The exported 1PIF is converted to HTML, which you can print via your browser. The converted HTML format is all driven via XML style sheets, so can be entirely customized. It is pretty easy to remove various fields that you don't want exported. Ask if you have any questions.

    Be sure to securely delete the 1PIF when you are done.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @websherpa: Indeed, 1Password isn't meant to have advanced print capabilities, since it's designed to securely store information (and printing is sort of the antithesis of secure). However, MrC's utility could be very helpful for your use.

    But while intermediate files can be securely deleted, keep in mind that printers themselves typically store information sent to them. An Office Space reenactment may be in order. ;)

  • websherpa
    Community Member

    "Security" has two separate but often intertwined functions: permanent storage and limited accessibility. It's only in the later few decades that secure transmission WITHIN an organization has become a real concern.

    My own interest in 1Password has more to do with its usefulness as an easy to capture and permanently accessible storage of server access codes. Since 1Password has the ability to Share / Print records already, I would suggest that any argument that my request is counter to the purpose of 1Password isn't really very constructive. I am simply asking for a fully realized treatment of a basic print dialogue (Legacy Page Attributes Dialogue Pane) that is already partly implemented. The end user can determine for themselves how secure / insecure offline printed storage of records is (other than in a fire or an exceedingly sophisticated covert espionage, it's proven to be a darn site MORE secure than most online security systems have been).

    If you look at this from an economic perspective, any such enhancement would serve to widen the appeal and commercial viability of the product. Just look at how many people request the easily printable "password list" here in the forum. AgileBits would do well to listen to its customers as I will continue to search for a flexible product that fits my needs. (Unfortunately the suggested 1PIF is not as basic, nor as accessible as my needs warrant.)

    But my request is not for an added feature really; it's simply a request to implement fairly standard Apple Software Guidelines with regard to the Page Attributes Dialogue Pane:


  • websherpa
    Community Member

    PS. Thank you for the responses. Although the 1PIF approach doesn't fit my needs, I do appreciate MrC's efforts and suggestion. I just think that adding "Page Orientation" and "No Header / Footers" to the existing Print Dialogue to make it easier to print Index Cards is a good idea and not really an "advanced" print capability/

  • websherpa
    Community Member
    edited August 2015

    PPS. Given a review of how the Print Dialogue works in other applications (and my own lack of understanding about the programming), perhaps my request is misguided - the absence of these Page Attributes may just be a problem of the Dymo Printer Driver for Mac (although in other software print dialogues, there are no header/footers and the page orientation / size is fixed but correct ) . ;-)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @websherpa,

    I'm not a programmer either but I would suspect that headers and footers has to be something we code up as I would assume ultimately it's up to us to remove them from the file sent to the printer. I looked at just a smattering of the applications on my machine and while some had a simple checkbox others had more intricate offerings suggesting it isn't a standard thing. Again, it is just my assumption but I doubt your scenario was considered at the time. I'm a bit surprised the page orientation isn't something a bit more standardised but maybe again it's because the option relies on us to create the new page based on this setting.

    I will place a request on your behalf. Now I want be realistic with you, each feature request has to contest with all other requests, bugs and major changes by either operating systems or browsers. Now we're not anticipating any shocks with El Capitan like the big changes that came with Yosemite but it still has to push itself to the top of the list against the many reasonable and inspired requests or outstanding bugs we need to address. So I can't make any promises I'm afraid but we have taken what you've posted on board.

    ref: OPM-3242

  • websherpa
    Community Member

    thank you that is all I can ask and much appreciated. Hopefully they are not too complicated to achieve. But I can see it being useful for people who want to duplicate their records in index cards offline like I do. Thank you!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @websherpa,

    On the surface they don't seem too complicated but I know enough about developing to know that sometimes something really simple can sometimes be a massive headache for all the wrong reasons.

    This isn't aimed so much at yourself as it seems you've deliberated this already but more for others that might be browsing the forums, if you do print sensitive data like this out please do take all the relevant precautions - your data is only as secure as the weakest link.

This discussion has been closed.