Price on Mac Appstore more than listed?
Why is the price on the Mac App Store listed as $49.99 and then the actual charge is $61.09?
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What is the rate of what we call "VAT" (value added tax) in your country?
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@Inge Johnsson: Indeed, and our prices are also in U.S. Dollars, so there may be fees from your bank and of course an exchange rate may apply as well. While it's impossible to say for certain, not knowing your situation, our knowledgebase also covers a number of common cases:
Currency and Tax FAQ
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions! :)
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Never mind, I just found out that the charge was bundled with some other iTunes song purchases from last week.
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Hi @Inge Johnsson,
It sounds like you might have been caught out by Apple's practice of saving up purchases. I've wondered what their algorithm is but I haven't cracked the code yet. One day I made three purchases over the space of a few minutes and I received an email for one later that day and the other two weren't billed until 10 days later - their combined value was twice the single purchase the did bill for. I'm sure there is a logic behind it but it eludes me.
I think the others missed that you were specifically referring to the Mac App Store where I believe all taxes are included in the visible price. Certainly that's the case here in the UK. They will show you what part was tax but only as an FYI, it's part of the price you agreed to. I'm thinking it's the same in places like Canada or the U.S. but I don't know for certain.
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I'm sure there is a logic behind it but it eludes me.
Indeed. My semi-educated guess here is that Apple is batching transactions across the board from all customers and processing them in bulk once they reach a certain volume to save on transaction fees. :money: