What can I do with the app?
I have win 10 and 1Password Alpha in my Surface 5 PRO. I can open default vault from Dropbox. But Create-button is grey so I can not create anything. Edit-button is black but it doesn't do anything.
What I should to do, that I can create new items or edit old ones?
1Password Version: 1Password Alpha
Extension Version: 1.1508.60.0
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Hi, @SHP!
Have you signed up for the 1Password for Windows Modern alpha team?
The welcome message lets you know that the app, still in the alpha stage of development, doesn't yet include creation or editing of items. At this time, you can only read existing .agilekeychain- and .opvault-format vaults created and maintained in 1Password on another device and synced using OneDrive, Dropbox, or folder sync.
By the way, who makes the Surface 5 PRO? Still stuck on a Surface Pro 2, myself, I'd like to get my hands on one of those!