Why are there so many updates for the Windows version?

Why are there so many updates for the Windows version? It seems to be every couple of days. Is it all emergency fixes, or do you have no planning or change control?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: W7
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb-search:Why are there so many updates for the Windows version? It seems to be every couple of days.


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    They seem to be releasing every 2 weeks and it's mostly minor bug fixes.
    You can see the detail here: https://app-updates.agilebits.com/product_history/OPW4

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @TimothyNathan Are you on the BETA channel maybe? We release BETA versions very often. If you do not like them, then my advice is to install the STABLE version. By the way: I believe frequent updates are good thing. They prove we respond to bug reports, and are actively maintaining the product :smile:

  • TimothyNathan
    Community Member
    edited August 2015

    Richard, thank you, that is helpful.

    I do not believe that I am on the beta program for Windows. I am on the beta for Android and wish I weren't but, at least at the time, it was the only way to get a supported app that worked.

    No, on Windows I believe that I am a mere customer and I seem to get updates every few days, but I guess it might be once a fortnight.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    @TimothyNathan even if it were every couple of days, is that a problem? The installer runs really quickly and the risk is pretty low since any major changes are run through those of us running the betas first.

  • TimothyNathan
    Community Member

    I guess the problem is psychological. I am entrusting 1Password with a lot of vital information and I want to think that it is solid, with a robust development plan and testing regime, not flaky and in need of constant tinkering.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2015

    I want to think that it is solid

    @TimothyNathan Frequent updates make it solid :smile:

    They day I see Apple or Microsoft stop giving me updates is the day I'm getting worried because I will then need to upgrade or move my business elsewhere.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    @TimothyNathan the thing that non-developers, like yourself (I presuming), usually don't understand is that software bugs are an inevitability. Even in static environments and huge testing loads, some bugs will still creep through.

    In an ever changing environment (which security software lives in) bugs will be constant. There's two things to look at when assessing a company. (1) How frequently they send out updates and (2) how serious are the bugs.

    If both are low then you have to ask yourself, are they actively seeking out faults (especially critical in a security context).
    If frequency is high and severity is low then this shows a proactive and thorough approach (this is where I feel that Agilebits is).
    If the frequency is low and the severity is high then are they pushing out critical fixes quickly enough (also critical in a security context).
    If both are high then they are proactive but their work is sloppy (not good).

  • TimothyNathan
    Community Member

    That is indeed presumptuous.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Then I'm surprised that you don't understand how it works.

  • @TimothyNathan - the regular updates come through our beta channel and we have to thank our wonderful Windows developers for being so on top of bug fixes and improvements for this! If you stay in the stable channel you can be sure that any updates have been well tested by the beta users. That said our beta releases are well tested and are very safe to use but I can see how it could be a bit alarming to see such regular updates. But please be assured, it's a good thing and just means we are dedicated to making 1Password for Windows as good as possible :) Thank you for this question as I am sure many of our users will also be interested by this.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I also wanted to add that we don't believe in the practice of holding back a hoard of fixes and improvements (and even some new features!) for a new major release so we can charge for it. 1Password isn't in 'maintenance mode' or on the backburner; were actively working to make it better, every day. And I think that's something to be proud of. :chuffed:

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