Windows 10 Edge browser [Edge doesn't permit offline extensions with desktop requirement]

Community Member
edited October 2016 in 1Password 4 for Windows

How to show 1password in Windows 10 Edge browser

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:missing-extension-button


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @wwb,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us. You ask a good question. It is so good, in fact, that we recently addressed it in a blog post. From 1Password and Windows 10: On the Edge of greatness:

    One significant change in Windows 10 that will be of interest to 1Password users is the addition of Microsoft’s latest and greatest web browser, Edge. Previously known as “Spartan,” we’ve found it to be fast, stable, and rather pleasant to use.

    However, there’s a catch: Edge does not yet support extensions, so at this time there is no way to use the 1Password extension in Edge as you do in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.

    The good news is that Internet Explorer is still around, and 1Password works great in IE 11, along with our other favourite browsers. Word on the street is that Microsoft Edge will support extensions in the near future; we’re looking forward to seeing if that will enable us to provide 1Password extension support in the new browser.

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help. :)


  • Wilhelm
    Community Member

    Hi there!
    Any news on Edge yet? (Just fyi, every time Microsoft asks me whether I would recommend Edge, I make a point of stating that I won't be able to do that until such time that the 1Password extension get into action. No pressure... ;)

  • MikeT
    edited September 2015

    HI @Wilhelm,

    Microsoft hasn't shared any timeframes on when Edge will be updated with an API to let us build extensions for it. The reasonable expectation is either later this year or early next year.

  • Wilhelm
    Community Member

    Thank you very much, @MikeT - yep, I guess they've got a few things on their plate at the moment... :) Thanks for getting back to me.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Absolutely! Hopefully we see some developments there in the coming months. We're excited to see what Microsoft comes up with. :)

  • Wilhelm
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT, @brenty Any updates on this front? Edge is being 'forced' upon some of us - it's not that bad ;) - but I'm totally addicted to 1Password and find it difficult to work without it! (Hats off to you guys, in other words!)

  • MikeT
    edited December 2015

    Hi @Wilhelm,

    No updates, we're still waiting for Microsoft to release more details. One thing that did happen today is that Microsoft accidently leaked their extension page last night that contained some information for an upcoming Insider build but they've pulled it quickly afterward. It suggests they're fairly close to releasing more data within the next few months.

  • Wilhelm
    Community Member

    It does sound like things are starting to happen there. Thanks for the feedback, @MikeT .

  • You're welcome!

  • dszp
    Community Member

    The things I've heard (mostly on the Windows Weekly podcast) is that Microsoft is planning a release of Windows 10 to "Insiders" (public beta testers) before year end that will have Edge extension support. The final public version would be slated for early to mid next year. They were shooting for this Fall with the 1511 update to release Extension support and that obviously slipped though, so who knows...but I know I generally don't use Edge regularly and won't until it supports 1Password.

  • Hi @dszp,

    I've heard of the same thing, that the first Redstone Insider build would be made available as a Christmas gift for Insiders before the end of the year but the holidays tend to change plans, so we should not raise our hopes much for this.

    There should be two big Redstone updates next year for Windows 10, the first one in Spring (RS1) and the second in the Fall (RS2).

  • Caloris
    Community Member

    It's up to Microsoft. Microsoft Build 2016 will bring the next big update for Windows 10. It's said Edge will have the ability to run extensions.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2015

    Indeed. I think if they can get it done by then it will happen. I'm sure they're as anxious to get Edge on par with the other major browsers as we are to get 1Password working with it. ;)

  • deft
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    Hello @MikeT , @brenty ,

    Any updates, since we are in June/2016? Just to keep the tread up to date.



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @deft: Thanks for checking in! Regrettably, there isn't much to say here. Microsoft has announced extension support will be coming in this summer's Anniversary Update to Windows 10, but they haven't released documentation for the API yet ("stay tuned"). Hoping they do so before it's released, but they may still have some work to do there! :lol:

  • romank445
    Community Member

    Just got an MS Edge update. They now support extensions.

    I installed Add Block Plus from the MS store.

    I haven't looked into the API documentation, but might be worth looking at again.

  • Hi guys,

    You've updated an outdated thread but we've shared more recent data in other threads like this one.

    Basically, the issue is not about having docs, they've been available for several months now. The issue is that Edge has no official mechanism to allow an extension to work with a local desktop program on the same machine. In other words, 1Password extension in Edge can't work with 1Password Helper. We've already built a prototype extension many months ago that worked quite a bit if we've enabled localhost exemption, turned the PC into development mode and sideloaded the extension. Unfortunately, this isn't a shippable extension nor is it a permitted extension in the Windows Store, so we have to wait until Microsoft comes up with an offline communication support before we can support Edge.

This discussion has been closed.