Layout/UI issues in 1password - missing pane and resize

Hi guys,

I've got two issues, possibly related, on the Windows 1password client. I've updated to the latest version, but it's still prevailing.

The first issue is that the secondary panel that normally appears below the list of items on the right is missing. I can't find any option to restore it. I've attached a screenshot below.

My second issue is that the window refuses to be vertically resized properly while the vault is unlocked. If I grab either the top or bottom edge of the window and attempt to shrink, either it doesn't budge at all (when grabbed from the bottom) or it moves downwards instead of resizing (from the top). If I lock the vault first then the window resizes normally. There is no issue when I try and vertically grow the window, horizontally shrink or grow, maximise/restore/minimise, or use the Win+arrow key shortcuts to reposition/resize.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.4.2
OS Version: Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2015

    @deains I'm sorry you are having this problem. Can you please follow these steps?

    1. Click on the Windows button
    2. Click on: Run
    3. Enter this: regedit
    4. Navigate to this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AgileBits\1Password 4\Frm1pMain
    5. Right-click on: (Default)
    6. Click on: Delete

    Please let us know how it worked out. Thanks!

  • deains
    Community Member

    @svondutch Thanks for the reply, unfortunately the problem is still occuring. :(

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2015

    @deains I'm sorry for the confusion. Here is step zero:

    Open 1Password, then click on: File > Exit

    Can you now please repeat the steps above? Thanks!

  • deains
    Community Member

    @svondutch It was closed last time I think. I exited both the main app and the helper this time, deleted the key, still no luck unfortunately.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @deains Are you saying the secondary panel that normally appears below the list of items on the right is still missing? When you delete the registry key, then 1Password should open itself in its default size, including the lower-right quadrant.

  • deains
    Community Member

    @svondutch That's right. The panel that shows the details of the selected item simply will not show. I've double-checked the registry key, it's definitely correct. I can give it another go but it'll have to wait until Monday since I've left work.

  • Hi @deains,

    Windows 7 does have some weird windowing issues that we've seen that doesn't appear in later Windows versions.

    When you see this issue on Monday, can you try to resize it vertically very quickly to see if it'd ever reset itself? We have a minimal height in place to prevent this but it might be bypassed if the program was resized vertically too quickly.

    Can you try this:

    1. Go to the View Menu and select Weak Passwords
    2. Now, select Weak Passwords on the sidebar, does the view reset on the bottom? If yes, try to drag it up and change categories on the sidebar to see if it'll retain the positioning.
  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @deains You can go one step further and delete this registry key:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AgileBits\1Password 4

    Before you do, please write down your license key and where your vault is, because 1Password will loose knowledge of them.

  • deains
    Community Member

    Found a solution. After the quick resizing @MikeT suggested, I found that making the window exceptionally tall eventually got the second panel to appear. I then resized that to shrink the items list on the top left and it's now behaving properly. Looks like the problem was that the items list was just ridiculously long and so was pushing out the other panel plus messing around with the window's vertical size.

    Thanks for your replies. :)

  • I'm glad you got it working, thanks for letting us know and you're welcome.

This discussion has been closed.