Missing logins

I went to login to a site this morning and 1Password (Windows had no record of it. This was not a new login but one I'd been using for > a month, so I knew it had to be there. After searching repeatedly and on different computers that are sync'd through Dropbox, it really wasn't there. Finally, I went looking in the vault backup directory, and saw that the backups have item counts on them. I made a new backup today to compare, and it showed up with 29 fewer items than yesterday's backup!

I assume this is a Dropbox sync issue, but it's still completely unacceptable as a failure mode. One additional piece of data is that I used 1Password iOS on my iPad last night to login to something. I don't use it often on the iPad, and sometimes have to open the app directly (before using the browser extension) in order to get the sync to happen. In this case I didn't do that and just used the iOS Safari browser extension, and the login worked fine. My guess, however, is that it was out of date and somehow pushed its state to Dropbox and removed the newer logins that were not there. Of course I'm speculating here, there have also been recent updates on the Windows side so I'll let you guys figure out where the bug really is. =) I'm off to restore my backup now.

1Password Version: Windows
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 7 (6.1.7601 SP1)
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:sync erased passwords, ug:ios/settings-advanced, kb-search:sync erased passwords


  • Matrix
    Community Member

    1Password on my iPad is version 5.4.3 btw. But now I'm very confused as I checked my iPad and can't find the Dropbox app at all, either in the usage settings where you find the version, or just searching from the main screen. I am running the iOS 9 beta on my iPad. When I go into the 1Password settings there, it still shows Dropbox as the sync service, and it shows 493 items.

  • MikeT
    edited August 2015

    Hi @Matrix,

    Please do not restore anything, you have to give us a chance to review the diagnostics information to understand what happened, we can't fix anything if you start changing the "crime scene".

    If you haven't done it yet, please email us the diagnostic report; use this guide to generate a diagnostic report to email to us and, in the email, also include the link to this thread along with your forum username.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can look for it, and confirm we got the email.

    My guess, however, is that it was out of date and somehow pushed its state to Dropbox and removed the newer logins that were not there.

    That's not how 1Password works, it does not remove data that doesn't exist on the other side and there is no such thing as a complete state that we use, we work on a deeper level and we have a lot of logic in place to prevent stuff like this. In one case, we have something we called "tombstones" in place to prevent this exact scenario where new items don't exist on other side. A deleted new item must be an empty newer file (with very latest file timestamp) that 1Password picks up to remove it on the local device. If there is no such tombstone, 1Password will merge the local item into the other side's copy, not remove it on the local side.

    I assume this is a Dropbox sync issue, but it's still completely unacceptable as a failure mode.

    That's exactly why we back up your 1Password data daily if there are changes made and unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect sync system on this planet that we are aware of. The sync is one the most difficult thing to predict, especially when we have zero control of how Dropbox works. There are companies that are spending hundreds of millions of dollars and several years passed with no perfect system. The nature of sync makes it very difficult to perfect but we can make 1Password very resilient against this, thus the daily backups on your computers and Dropbox's holding 30 days worth of changes to let you restore with some logs being stored.

    In addition, please log into Dropbox.com in your browser and go to the Events on the left sidebar, scroll down until you see a mass deletion event related to 1Password, it should give you a hint of what device deleted it.

  • Matrix
    Community Member

    I'll generate the reports and send them in, but unfortunately I already restored. The sync seems to have gotten even more confused. I restored on Windows, then sync'd on the iPad, and then the Windows machine sync'd again and seems to have duplicated a lot of the logins - it now shows 610 logins! I'll stop doing anything until you have a chance to review. I'm not too concerned overall, the daily backups provide a lot of peace of mind, but I do need to get to a clean and stable state at some point. =)

  • Hi @Matrix,

    Please disable the sync on the iPad, open 1Password on the iPad, go to Settings > Sync and disable the sync. In addition, do a backup with this guide: https://support.1password.com/ios-itunes-backups/

    I suspect your vault on the iPad needs to be refreshed with the vault from the PC. Once we get your email (please let us know here as soon as you sent it), we'll explain how to proceed.

  • Matrix
    Community Member

    OK, email sent and sync disabled on the iPad. I'm not too concerned about doing an iTunes backup on the iPad as I haven't added any new logins directly from the iPad in a long time, and all the data is clearly there in the backup on the Windows side. Thanks for the quick support here.

  • Matrix
    Community Member
    edited August 2015

    I also just sent an email with screenshots of the Dropbox event history. Also note that my Dropbox folder now contains a whole bunch of the band files with ones that say my name's "conflicted copy".

  • Hi @Matrix,

    Thanks, I've found the email and we'll follow up as soon as we finish analyzing the report and the rest of the information you found.

    ref: BHL-85682-684

This discussion has been closed.