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Hidden fields difficult to read against OS X’s “dark” UI theme

Community Member
  1. 1P’s dropdown windows (from the browser or the OS toolbar) are of the translucent type, meaning they take on the OS’s “light” or “dark” setting
  2. Several fields within 1P are hidden (“•••••”) by default, but can be revealed by hitting the Option key
  3. The color those fields use (blue in my case) is darker than the blue 1P uses for the link color in several of the other fields, the latter of which is easily viewable against the dark theme

It seems like an oversight that two blue values are being used for these two fields — one of theme is clearly meant for the light theme, while the other has (correctly) adjusted itself.

(I’d take a screenshot, but it’s a challenge to do that with the Option key held down.)

Did I explain the problem sufficiently?

1Password Version: 5.3
Extension Version: 4.4.2
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scamper,

    Is it that the contrast of password fields when using the dark UI theme are poor and you can't reliably read the password? If I've correctly summarised that then I would say you have explained the issue, let me know if I've understood :smile:

  • scamper
    Community Member

    Yes, I would agree that it's a contrast issue. With respect to OS X's dark theme, the URL field uses the correct blue (lighter, easily read against dark colors), but the hidden fields, when revealed, use a darker blue meant for light backgrounds.

    I don’t think my settings are exotic, but let me know if you'd like a screenshot.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scamper,

    Maybe it's my aging eyes, but I'm not sure I see what you do as well as you've described it. :)

    If you would like to post a screen shot I'd appreciate seeing one. You originally said:

    (I’d take a screenshot, but it’s a challenge to do that with the Option key held down.)

    You can temporarily disable View > Conceal Password in the app menu so that concealed fields will be revealed for a screen shot without pressing the Option key. Also, you might prefer using the Demo vault while doing it. Create a new vault says:

    PRO TIP: Want to have a "show off 1Password" party without revealing any secrets? Choose 1Password > New Demo Vault from the menu bar to create a vault full of sample data. Party on!

    Another reason for its usage is as a common reference point for both of us. Then choose 1Password > Delete Demo Vault from the menu while still switched to that vault if you want to get rid of it when you're finished.

    Thanks in advance for that!

  • scamper
    Community Member
    edited August 2015

    Okay, here's what I mean. System highlight color is default blue, and I've activated OS X's "Use dark menu bar and Dock" setting. As you can see, the blue that 1P uses for the "website" is perfectly legible (maybe because it's linkified), but the blue used for the other field is nigh illegible, since it's not adjusted for "dark" mode at the system level.

    It's not really a huge deal, in the scope of things. But I'm a UI guy, so I tend to… fixate. ;)

  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited August 2015

    I have the same issue.

    For me, I don't need it fixed that often, in my personal case. So as a work around, I just move the cursor over the area as if to copy and then it shows nicely. Maybe you can use this ? but if you navigate more from the keyboard it may be problematic.

    As a another work around you can anchor the item, which brings everything back to a white background.

    Looks to me as if the color of the text changes on hovering the mouse over the field,... to a more baby blue color. Maybe when the option key is pressed it can trigger the same effect as the hover over the field does and change the text color. This is my ideal situation.

    The first screen shot is just what @scamper sees.
    The second on is that I am using as a work around by placing the cursor over the area.

    @scamper maybe one of my work arounds can help a little till the staff can tweak the app, for us.

    • All images are from the demo vault, no personal information was revealed.

  • scamper
    Community Member

    Thanks for the thoughtful workarounds. I'm just glad I'm not alone. ;)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @scamper,

    I've removed your image because thightower's post seems to highlight the same thing and I wasn't 100% confident that what you showed was dummy data or not so better to be safe than sorry.

    I've also got these two images which I think also highlight the issue, as you say @scamper it's to do with the translucent aspect by the looks of it.

    If the background is dark

    I was confused because this seems fairly legible to me but then...

    If the background is light

    Yeah... not quite as legible any more.

    I don't know what you think of it but I found something else that might help. It's Reduce transparency and you can find this option in System Preferences > Accessibility > Display. Does that help at all? I've re-opened an existing bug report relating to this to see what we can possibly do.

    ref: OPM-2196

  • scamper
    Community Member

    Thank you. My point is that the website field (for instance) adapts itself to accommodate the diffuse brightness — it remains legible no matter the background — but the verification number field (for instance) does not. So it seems like this is already solved on some level, and reducing transparency on the client side doesn't move us toward true resolution. The desire is for the all field values to behave in the same way. :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scamper,

    I did add to the re-opened bug report about how you found the URL legible because of how it adapts so we have you covered for that part. The Reduce transparency was more as a workaround for now on the off-chance that it helped. I can't make any promises I'm afraid but the report is open and as such the devs are aware :smile:

  • scamper
    Community Member

    Very cool, that's all I hoped for. Thanks again! :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of littlebobbytables, you're very welcome! We're always happy to help if you need anything else. :)

This discussion has been closed.