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I have the Agile web site version of 1P5. How Can I switch to the Mac App Store version?

Community Member

If I can't then make the app on the Mac store free, so I can just log into the app with my paid account. Isn't this simple? Make the app free on the Mac App Store and make certain things unavailable, like syncing or what not. This is why in app purchases were introduced. This is silly that I have paid for the web site version of the SAME software but can not use the same features and can not switch.

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  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    There is an explanation for all of this in the documents in the support page:

    I do not see the option to sync with iCloud in 1Password for Mac

  • Crayola
    Community Member

    Thanks hawkmoth for replying but I wasn't asking for why they can't add it to the website version. I am not understanding why if it is this big of a deal with all the Mac users (of course if you have a Mac you probably use iCloud) why they wouldn't create a way to merge, i.e. My idea of making the MAS version free.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Problem is that iCould sync can't be added to any program not bought direct from the App Store.

    And if they made the App Store version free, it would have to be free for everyone (again Apple don't allow discount coupons). And then why would anyone use a paid version.

    The situation is different for iOS, where the free version (as it is now) can be regarded as a loss-leader, where they expect people to pay for the additional features and also to pay for the Mac or Windows versions.

    And, anyway, iCloud sync is a bit of a red herring, in that it is never needed though some users may want it. Dropbox sync, which works for all versions, is technically at least as good as iCloud sync and requires very little effort to set up.

  • giacomob
    Community Member

    That's just not fair, lots of other apps give a discount code to purchase their apps, for istance i've been a beta tester of Affinity Photo and when the app have been relased on the Mac App Store they have sent me a coupon to purchase it with discount.
    Seriously i have to pay again 49,99€ to have 1 single feature???

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member


    Seriously i have to pay again 49,99€ to have 1 single feature???

    If that feature is valuable enough to you to justify the extra expense, then yes, you'll need to buy a copy from the the Mac App Store.

    The idea of a promo code to let users from the AgileBits web store move over to the Mac App Store would be appealing, if it could work. I'm not a software publisher, but I've worked with a couple in volunteer capacities. Apple limits the number of promo codes a developer can issue. I don't know how many are allowed, but not nearly enough to move everyone over to the Mac App Store license who would like to. Your role as a beta tester justified that developer giving you that code. Since the beta testing for 1Password is open to anyone, there are too many beta testers to accommodate in the AgileBits case. I'm sure that doesn't satisfy you, but it's true.

    @danco has said that Dropbox has some advantages over iCloud. It is also true that Apple doesn't provide any way for developers to offer discounted upgrade pricing, which will mean that anyone wishing to move to a paid upgrade in the future will have to pay the same price as brand new users. AgileBits does provide attractive discounts for upgrading users because they control their own web store. So over the long run, the AgileBits version will prove to be cheaper.

    I know from experience that laying all these things out seldom changes anyone's mind about how this has unfolded for AgileBits users and the company.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Crayola and @giacomob,

    I hope the information from hawkmoth and danco has been helpful for you! I just wanted to clarify that Apple currently provides no way for us (or any developer) to offer individual discounts or upgrade pricing on the App Store. This is true on both Mac and iOS, and it applies to all apps. It would be great if there was a way around this, but at this time there is not. We can only lower the price for everyone (and we occasionally have sales in order to do just that).

    Promo codes for the Mac App Store are a bit different, as they aren't a means of providing a discount - they are used to give away a completely free copy. But even if promo codes were able to give a partial discount, it wouldn't matter because (as hawkmoth mentioned) we receive very few promo codes from Apple for our Mac App Store app. We simply don't have enough for everyone who just asks, and we don't have enough to cover all of our beta testers (especially because anyone can install our beta version of 1Password for Mac). That also goes for those who want to switch from the AgileBits Store version to the Mac App Store version - we just don't receive enough promo codes for that. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you about that!

    I wasn't able to find your licenses in our system when searching for your email addresses, so I don't know when you made your purchases from the AgileBits Store, but if you bought a license within the last 30 days, we can give you a refund so you can buy 1Password from the Mac App Store instead. (Please send us an email at about that if your purchase was recent.)

    If your concern is about not having iCloud sync in the AgileBits Store version, I wanted to mention that Dropbox sync is also a great sync option. It's how I have always synced my 1Password data, and many of my AgileBits colleagues do as well. 1Password is secure by design and your 1Password data is end-to-end encrypted, so with regard to security there's no difference between syncing 1Password data with Dropbox or iCloud. 1Password simply doesn't depend on the security of either to protect your data.

    Dropbox also has the advantage that it can be used to share vaults with friends, family, and co-workers, whereas it's not currently possible to share anything between iCloud accounts. And it's the only single sync solution that works across all 1Password platforms: Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android.

    @Crayola, you didn't actually mention iCloud sync in your original post, so I'm not sure if that's why you were asking about switching to the Mac App Store version. If we haven't addressed the reason you wanted to switch, please let us know!

    @giacomob, you only need to purchase the Mac App Store version if you want iCloud sync. It's really up to you if you think it's worth a new purchase at full price for that one feature. The AgileBits Store version has other sync options, and we'll be happy to help you with those if you'd like.

    We're here for you if you have more questions about that. Thanks! :)

  • Crayola
    Community Member

    Drew, I didn't purchase 1P5 with this email address that I used to register this account. (I keep my accounts very organized and do not use the same email for junk)

    My main issue is you have already gone to the "freemium" version in your iOS app. And Danco is incorrect. You DO make money on the iOS app as it has a $10 "premium" feature that someone can purchase (as I have already done).

    What I have asked is you have a large audience that uses ICloud for many things already. iCloud is great for me as I don't have any reason to share a "vault" with anyone. I don't ever need to send a friend or family member info like that. What we are asking is for the MAS version to have the "freemium" version as your app does. Have a $49 "premium" button to unlock sync and la da da da. Or what ever you think will entice people to purchase it.

    The whole world has shown that freemium versions of apps out sell paid versions of apps.

    I'm not trying to just complain, and I'm sorry if it seems like I am. It's just frustrating as a consumer to not be able to use a large feature that has been advertised because I picked to download it on the website when I was on the website and researching it. I wanted to give all the money to AG instead of having apple take 30% of the MAS version. And now I am being punished because the version I purchased doesn't support the feature I want to use. I don't use Dropbox for anything. I have no use for it. Plus I trust apples 2FA security over Dropbox.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Crayola,

    We never wanted to be in this position nor did we want to put any of our loyal users in this position either. Dave Teare himself has stated that in hindsight iCloud support should never have been added to the AgileBits Store version of 1Password for Mac (iCloud Changes in the Website Version of 1Password 5). All options were considered at the time but there wasn't a good option.

    I cannot say what will happen in the future but I personally do not believe it is likely you or I will ever see the freemium model applied to OS X or Windows. The desktop and mobile platforms are very different and it isn't as simple as setting each platform at a price that covers development and support for that platform. Sometimes it's about accepting that some platforms are required for the big picture and measure the impact in other ways than merely profit/loss for that single unit. Given how separate the two versions (Mac App Store and AgileBits Store) are I'm not sure how the use of in-app purchases would help as assuming you need whatever functionality was walled behind a purchase it would still mean an additional $49 to regain all the desired features.

    We do understand that it was/is very frustrating when people discovered. If I've learnt anything it's that people have very strong opinions when it comes to syncing - I'm not different I'm a Wi-Fi sync person and I had to patiently wait for syncing of secondary vaults - it felt like an age. If you feel strongly enough about it you'll probably never be convinced that Dropbox could be an acceptable alternative and that is of course your decision to make. All I would say is this company has a lot of clever people in it and if the founders of AgileBits trust Dropbox I trust it as I faith in their judgement. After all, I trust the security of pretty my life (online, financial and miscellaneous) to 1Password (like many here I was a customer long before I became part of the team).

    We wish we hadn't placed anybody in this position and we really hope people find one of the alternative syncing options acceptable as we don't want people to feel pressured into purchasing again, it's just that the situation has dictated that those that deem iCloud Sync a must have been dealt a bad hand on this occasion :(

  • spooi
    Community Member

    This is a good product except the company has ignored to support loyal users with the growth of a new feature, to support the choice of the new feature fairly. Do not understand why we need to pay twice for a same piece software.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    @spooi - You need to direct you question to Apple, where the decision was made not to allow iCloud syncing form any application that isn't sold by Apple themselves, through one of their own App Stores. There isn't anything AgileBits can do about it unless or until Apple changes that policy. The AgileBits support people have repeatedly said that they would love to support iCloud for syncing for the version sold from their own web store. In fact, the post just above your own explains the situation quite clearly.

  • spooi
    Community Member
    edited October 2015

    Yes, I read that before I provided my feedback. I would expect Agilebits to support customers to migrate to Apple Store download, may not be free but certainly not full price.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited October 2015

    Apple doesn't permit any developer to offer special pricing to individuals, nor does it allow the transfer of licenses from a developer to Apple. The best that AgileBits can do is offer a sale from time to time, which they do periodically. But then everyone pays the same price, exiting users and new ones.

    I personally regard these facts as a major defect in Apple's app stores. And the fact that they don't allow discounted upgrade pricing for new versions. They stifle development of better applications for users.

    I don't expect to persuade you, but I also don't want your statements to go unanswered, in case a future reader of this thread needs another perspective.

    (I don't work for AgileBits. My opinions are my own.)

  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @spooi,

    A lot of supporting links have been given in this thread (as we've been addressing this topic for some time now), but I'll add one more that explains our situation here:

    Why does iCloud require at least iOS 8, OS X 10.10, and the Mac App Store?

    iCloud belongs to Apple, and it's Apple's prerogative to limit its availability to apps sold in their store. It's a regrettable situation, but all the decisions we've made along the way have been with the users at the forefront of our mind: adding a feature that many users would find useful, and implementing it in the fairest way possible considering the constraints. We always strive to do what's best for the majority of our users, and this was a compromise. We know this situation is not ideal, and we're sorry about that.

    Dropbox sync is a very comparable alternative if you're not willing or able to pay for the Mac App Store version to get iCloud sync. I'm sorry there's not much else we can tell you that hasn't already been said in this thread. We do thank you for the feedback, and we'll continue to strive to do right by you and all our loyal customers.

This discussion has been closed.