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after syncing my Mac with my iPhone vaults, each one have a different number of items

Community Member

I merged the two vaults, even though they were only 78% similar.

iPhone has 201 items; Mac has 176 items.

1Password Version: 1Password 5 Version 5.3.2 (532001) Agile Web Store
Extension Version: 4.4.1
OS Version: OS X 10.10.3
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:syncing with dropbox does not work right


  • mary_mcclanahan
    Community Member

    Is someone there to help me?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @mary_mcclanahan,

    We work our way from oldest to newest so apologies for the wait, depending on the complexity and number of outstanding requests for assistance there can be a delay.

    So you've merged, or believe you've merged based on what 1Password has told you, the vaults on your Mac and iPhone and those counts are the counts from after synchronisation has completed, is that correct?

    During the varied troubleshooting I've done in the past one thing I've found is when you merge a vault on an iOS device it can take a while to synchronise everything because of rate limiting in the API. It causes things to slow down by quite a lot but it will get there. My initial thought would be to unlock 1Password for iOS and give it a few minutes to synchronise on the off-chance that this is the cause. Now it might now, there may very well be something else at fault so if there is no improvement after a period of time I would want you to post back, say in the morning and we can investigate other possibilities.

    If my first hunch is correct then just to let you know subsequent syncs are much faster because it's looking at just the changes, this first merge though requires it accessing and touching every file causing updates to the majority of them.

    Regardless, we will work with you until it's resolved.

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