I'm concerned about the stability of 1PW5. Why would it alter/destroy my login info?
It seems that the login user name/password for one of my credit cards has been altered and destroyed. I think this has happened before. It makes me very nervous. Thank goodness that we haven't synced my husband's PW account. We use it as back up. Any idea why this happened? And how to prevent it?
1Password Version: 1PW5
Extension Version: 5.3.2
OS Version: 10.10.4
Sync Type: wifi
Referrer: forum-search:lost user name and password when 1PW5 automatically changed the login card
Hello @jonibbp,
That's indeed unusual. If we can't trust 1Password we're all in a very difficult position. A number of stronger statements spring to mind but this is a family orientated forum so I'll keep to PG.
The first question I have is, was it a Login item for a web portal for your Credit Card or was it a Credit Card item that you added extra information to? The reason I ask is if a Login item had been altered elsewhere and the changes synchronised the old password should be listed when you click a now visible button titled show previously used passwords. This would suggest changes on another device.
If this isn't the case is the password possibly an old one? This could suggest something has gone wrong elsewhere and one device has forced the use of an older version of the item.
Another question, was there a conflict section added to the item? If 1Password is trying to sync two items that don't match and can't say with 100% certainty which piece of data is correct it keeps one copy of the data in the normal fields and the other copy is recorded in a new custom section titled conflicts. The idea is the user will be able to say which is correct and manually adjust so that everything remains valid.
All of these do suggest that you're syncing to another device, if this isn't the case then this is surprising.
I don't know if it will reveal anything but it could be worth reviewing a diagnostic report from at least the Mac and also another device if you do sync.
Assuming you are syncing I'm posting links for both Mac and iOS on how to create these reports.
Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums
The email address you will want to use is support+forum@agilebits.com.
When sending the first diagnostic report to the address above it would help immensely if you could include a link to this thread and your forum handle so we can connect the two. For additional diagnostic reports please wait for the automated reply that will be forthcoming. If you either reply to that email or use the email subject as is it will allow our system to link the emails together as belonging to a single issue.
Once you've sent the reports a post here with the ticket ID will help us to keep an eye out for it.
Until we understand what and how it's hard to say what you could do in terms of prevention. Now for recovery, 1Password for Mac does routinely backup your vault. It will do it as often as daily depending on how often the vault changes and whittles the number of backups down once they reach a month or older. So even if you didn't have your husband's account it should have been possible to retrieve the lost data. Between the diagnostic report and knowing a bit more about the damage maybe we can figure out what happened.