Request: Sort by Type option in Folders list
I've touched upon this subject before, but I think I was never able to articulate it in a way for people to understand.
My pet peeve about 1Password 4/5 is that the Folders/Smart Folders list is combined and sorted alphabetically. This is a complete eyesore.
I was once an active user of these forums, until this issue never got addressed, and I couldn't stand looking at the 1Password window because of this great oversight.
Essentially, my requests boils down to two things:
1) Sort items by Type in the Folders List (don't arrange Folders/Smart Folders alphabetically together, this infuriates me to no end).
2) Combine the Folders and Tags Lists, so that Tags can be arranged inside Folders/Smart Folders
It's incredibly distressing to me that Folders and Smart Folders are sorted alphabetically and not by type. This goes against the conventions used in any other Mac software, especially Apple software, like iPhoto/iTunes, etc.
Once upon a time, every minor update to 1Password, I would be super excited in hopes that you guys finally fixed this issue. I've all but given up hope and believe it or not this is kind of a big deal to me (like I said, I used to frequent these forums and be a super advocate of 1Password until this issue was never addressed), but this time, hopefully I've described in better detail in what I wish for.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
I really wish that Smart Folders, tags, and folders were organized like in iTunes/iPhoto/etc. That is, they are always sorted alphabetically and in the order of: Folders, Smart Folders, Tags. And items nested inside folders, are likewise sorted by Folder, Smart Folder, Tag. Rather than having one huge jumble like we do now.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided0 -
@HenryY: Thanks for the feedback! While I can't say that I've heard anyone extoll the virtues of iTunes or iPhoto for years, I see what you mean. I'm not sure that would be the right solution, but there's definitely room for improvement when it comes to organizing/managing data in 1Password. We'll see if we can come up with an even better solution in the future! :)
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Hi @HenryY,
Thank you for letting us know this issue is still important to you, and for providing more detail about the desired behavior. You make some very good points.
We do still have this request on our horizon to possibly be implemented in the next major update. As you have noticed, it has not been implemented yet, and I can't say for sure why, but we're sorry for the delay. There are always a lot of priorities to juggle in software development. I can see how you may feel like the issue has been languishing, but I assure you it is still open in our issue tracker, and is not lost. I have updated the issue to add your comments here, which will go straight to the developers.
Thanks again for your detailed feature request here, and for being a passionate, engaged 1Password user. Customers like you help us make 1Password better and better with every update. Thank you for sticking with us! :)
ref: OPM-1303
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I think I have a clearer description of what I am asking for here:
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Hello @HenryY,
I've merged the two as they're regarding the same issue. I see Vee has noted your suggestion now that you feel you've managed to articulate it as you envisaged it in your head. We all know what that is like at some point or another, trying to find just the right way to express that image in your head :smile: