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1Password suggestions

Community Member
edited September 2015 in Mac

i am using 1P for a while now. I'm using dropbox to sync all that stuff.
i noticed some things that could be optimized in the next versions?!:

1) For e.g. you click the "+" and want to create a new "email account" in 1P. You will see "draft" with some preassigned "section-fields" and fields like "SMTP", "username", "server", "ports" etc. (see the green arrows in the included screenshot to see which fields i mean. The screenshot is in german).
I noticed that, if you rename that reassigned fields, its not syncing that changes via dropbox/cloud. You will only see the modified/renamed fields in that application you have create the item. For e.g. if you rename that reassigned field "username" to "User / Email" you dont see that in an other version that is synced via dropbox/cloud.

2) Second, it would be nice if you can also move whole "sections" of fields. For e.g.: In the included screenshot you see the red arrow and a rectangular box: You can move single fields like "SMTP-Server", "port", "username" but NOT the whole section "SMTP". I think it would be useful if one can move a whole section up and down to organize things faster & better :)

3) Third, i noticed the following on the iOS-App: for. e.g. you have created a new item on 1P in the OSX-App with some custom fields like "Steuer-ID" (its german an means "tax ID"). You see that the "S" and the "ID" are capitalized. The iOS App show every fieldname in lowercase, altough some letters are originally capitalized. Sometimes it is important in other languages than english :)

Last but not least i have a question: I have read (here and here) that things like the title, tags etc. is not encrypted in the "Agile Keychain", but in the new "Cloud keychain format". Can i switch to the new format, altough i am using 1P with Dropbox? If not, are you planning to change that? I mean things like "title" and "tags" are sometimes non-trivial and should always be encrypted :)

Thanks in advance

1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.10
Sync Type: Dropbox

one.jpg 70.9K


  • bogomil22
    Community Member

    Hi, me again.
    Sorry, my english is not the best. Maybe the word "preassigned" field is wrong.
    You may understand it better when i called it preallocated/predefined fields :)

  • Hi @bogomil22,

    1. Pre-assigned, predefined - do not worry, I understand what you mean :smile: We call them default fields and sadly what you are seeing is a limitation on the Agile Keychain format. We did not design the Agile Keychain to allow the default fields to be renamed or the order changed. This is why any modifications do not synchronise. When we eventually move to the newer OPVault format for syncing this should be possible.
    2. I agree with you and I've added your support to the existing request. ref: OPM-1289
    3. I will have to investigate. I had assumed that both platforms were using identical strings as we share a large amount of the text for translation purposes.

    So as you are already aware, there is the new OPVault format. Now it isn't easily accessible from the stable version but if you don't mind a few steps it is possible.

    1. Launch 1Password for Mac and enter 1Password's preferences.
    2. Switch to the Updates tab and tick the checkbox titled Include beta builds.
    3. Use the menu option 1Password 5 > Check for Updates... and follow the steps to update the beta.
    4. Enter 1Password's preferences and this time switch to the Sync tab.
    5. Disable sync by changing the menu option from Dropbox to None.
    6. In the confirmation dialog tick the checkbox titled Delete data from Dropbox before clicking the Disable Sync button.
    7. Use the menu option Help > Tools > Enable OPVault for Dropbox and Folder sync.
    8. Enable Dropbox Sync again. You should find that after you've selected the target folder the filename will say 1Password.opvault instead of 1Password.agilekeychain.
    9. You will then need to reconnect any other Macs and iOS devices as they will all have disabled sync as a result.
    10. At this stage you no longer require the beta version. Untick the checkbox from step 2.
    11. Quit both 1Password and 1Password mini. You can do this with the keyboard shortcut ⌃⌘Q when 1Password is open (it doesn't have to be unlocked).
    12. Drag the 1Password application from your /Applications/ folder to the Trash. Please don't use an app cleaner.
    13. Reboot your Mac.
    14. Download 1Password again from AgileBits Download page to return to the stable version.

    As you can see it's a few steps but this is all something you would only need to do once. At this point you should find changes to the default labels now synchronise. Let us know what you think :smile:

  • bogomil22
    Community Member

    Thanks for the answer.

    1) Nice to hear that the new "OPVault" will sync the modified "default" fields. And thanks for your description to change to the new format. At the moment i am using 1P4 on one Mac because of OSX Mavericks. I will upgrade to Yosemite soon and then to the new OPVault format with 1P5.
    2) Thanks :)
    3) The Strings are the same/equal, just on iOS all letters/characters are uncapitalised/lower case, altough some of them are originally capitalised.

    Thanks for your support. On my side all questions/suggenstions are answered - Thread can be closed :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excellent! Thanks for the update. On behalf of lil bobby, you are most welcome! I'm glad that helped.

    Now, I'm happy to close this thread as "resolved", but the door's always open! Don't hesitate to start a new one if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help. Cheers! :)

This discussion has been closed.