Favorites ordering


  • Kriegie
    Community Member
    edited September 2015

    I'm reawakening this topic to ask why my Logins Favorites category -- unlike all other categories that remain reliably alphabetical at all times -- insists on ignoring the alphabetical order I set.

    When I click on the Favorites heading, the ordering changes sure enough, but after a reboot I find the chosen order has always been forgotten again and reverts to an order that is always the same but is neither alphabetical nor last used and nor does it follow any other recognisable rule.

    Extension: 4.4.3.b2
    OS: Win7HP
    Sync: Dropbox 3.8.8

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    does not follow any recognisable rule.

    @Kriegie It follows the order you yourself can give it (not necessarily sorted by any column). You can right-click on your favorites and then move them up (or down).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm reawakening this topic to ask why my Logins Favorites category -- unlike all other categories that remain reliably alphabetical at all times -- insists on ignoring the alphabetical order I set.

    @Kriegie: Oh don't do that! ;)

    Sorry for the confusion! Favorites is not a category (for instance, you can't create a Favorites item). It's a list of, well...favorite items you selected for this honor. And similarly, it's up to you to order them the way you wish! You can do this by right-clicking and then moving them up or down in the list. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Kriegie
    Community Member

    Thanks for the responses. It's nice to be helped to resolve a problem even on a Sunday!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    It's Sunday already!? :scream:

    Well, I'm glad to help! But Now I'd better get some sleep... :lol:

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Sorry to have to reopen this item but the solution suggested is not working for me. If I open my favorites list in 1P, right click on a favourite to move it up or down - absolutely nothing happens. What am I doing wrongly? I can click on the column and it sorts temporarily ascending or descending but that is only temporary and does nothing to the sort order when viewing favourites from the 1P icon. This latter listing, by the way, is the one I most want to change.

  • Kriegie
    Community Member

    I can't help you, Andrew42, other than to say that the described method is still working for me.
    (Suggest you provide your 1P, Windows and Dropbox versions as below, just in case Those Who Know require the info to help you!)

    Extension: 4.5.0.b2
    OS: Win7HP
    Sync: Dropbox 3.10.11

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry to have to reopen this item but the solution suggested is not working for me. If I open my favorites list in 1P, right click on a favourite to move it up or down - absolutely nothing happens. What am I doing wrongly? I can click on the column and it sorts temporarily ascending or descending but that is only temporary and does nothing to the sort order when viewing favourites from the 1P icon. This latter listing, by the way, is the one I most want to change.

    @Andrew42: I think you just identified your own problem (in bold, for emphasis). If you're sorting your Favorites by heading, you won't be able to order them manually. Please restart Windows, and then do not click the header to sort them automatically. Instead, right click (or use the Ctrl Alt ↑ / ↓ hotkeys) to reorder them.

    Since manual ordering of Favorites is something we've added recently, rather than designing the app with this in mind from the beginning, it has a few quirks currently. I'm sorry for any confusion that's caused. You can click the header to sort automatically temporarily, and when this is in effect you cannot manually order them. However, your manual ordering is retained and will return once the app is restarted completely.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Thanks, I have got it to work now. I was making two errors. The main one was I was right clicking and trying to drag the favourite to the position I wanted. I see now that a simple right click brings up a drop down box and I have to move the item one step at a time. Your keyboard short cut does not work on my keyboard whether that is because it a Swiss layout, I don't know. (Ctrl Alt + arrow for me turns the screen through 90 or 180 degrees). Thanks again.

  • On behalf of Brenty, you're welcome.

    Yea, it's difficult to come up with consistent shortcuts across all international layouts but we'll keep this mind for the future. Dragging the item around would be more efficient and hopefully, something we can do.

This discussion has been closed.