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Data Migration circa 1999

Community Member

I paid for the app (which I'm starting to regret) and spent the next hour trying to migrate my data from LastPass. The CSV export approach was a dud...sites were missing, folders excluded, and half the links didn't work. Next I attempted to use the script found on here but the process was too cumbersome (for a non-techie). I also think that if 1Password values new business the burden is on 1Password to ensure a client is migrated properly. The CSV file and script methods don't cut it; the process needs to be automated for the benefit of the customer.

After failing two migrations, I tried searching for a way to contact customer service...for another 15 minutes. It finally dawned me that there is no formal way to contact customer service. Instead it appears 1Password has adopted the support forum method which is great...except when you can't find a solution to your problem. Several of the inbound links to this forum include wording such as "contact us" and "customer support" leading me to believe that I would get either a) a phone number or b) an email form. 1Password, please make this process easier. If the discussion forums are the only way to contact you (from what I've seen), then state that upfront.

I was all pumped up and ready to switch from LastPass to 1Password...but am questioning why I want to give business to a company that is asking me to both pay the money and do the work. Why does 1Password not have a automated process for migrating data from their biggest competitor? CSV files and scripts are manual and don't cut it in 2015. If a truly automated process does in fact exist, please let me know. If not, please advise on process for obtaining a refund.


P.S. Please do not forward me links to the CSV and script forum posts.

1Password Version: 5.3
Extension Version: 4.4.3
OS Version: OS X 10.10.5
Sync Type: iCloud


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @jojoguy,

    You sound frustrated. I'm sorry you found the conversion script too cumbersome. I understand, and am fully aware that command line stuff scares people. I chose that method because it is immediately cross platform, you can read the code (after all, it is your sensitive data, and you probably want assurance it remains under your control), and it fast to prototype and develop new converters.

    Forget the CSV approach - CSV has too many shortcomings to act as a data conduit. It is fine for simple tables, and that's about it.

    The time and expense required to develop data converters is large. 1Password used to have more, but AgileBits found they were chasing white rabbits. It isn't a good business practice to spend vast resources trying to reverse engineer your competitor's products and maintain par, especially for a one-shot tool.

    Given that, let's get your LastPass data converted. My mom did it, so can you. It is really simple - watch the referenced AppleScript_Conversion_Helper movie, and you'll see it takes less than a minute. Really.

    If you are just venting at this point, and don't want help, then best wishes, and no hard feelings. If you do want help, even remote help, just ask. I've helped many folks remotely, and they are universally embarrassed when they see how fast and easy it really is.

    Standing by...

  • jojoguy
    Community Member

    Thanks Mr C for your response and of course I'm willing to accept your help!

    My frustration was primarily due to the fact that there's no way to initiate private communication with 1password. I understand the benefits of a group support model but that imo should be a supplement to a more traditional help desk model. Please keep in mind I say that after spending almost an hour combing through forum threads in search of a solution. It's worth mentioning too that there are quite a few forums threads expressing frustration with this very same issue. It might also make sense to run a cost/benefit analysis between the cost of automating the process vs the number of lost customers (and revenue). Yes such a program would have to be updated and maintained, but I don't know many pieces of software that don't require some form of maintenance.

    Some folks are infinitely patient but most people place a value on their time. When someone is looking for a way to increase their productivity through an app like 1password, the last thing they want to do is be given homework to make it worthwhile (i.e. not having to manually enter every site and form) For you, yes it would take a minute :-) But for a brand new customer, it could take quite a bit longer when you include the time it takes to research the topic, comb through the forums and even attempt different methods (i.e. as you noted the CSV file was a waste of time)

    Perhaps I am way off or naive on this assumption, but I suspect that a good portion (enough to capture senior management's attention) of new customers are coming from a number of your competitors. Is it really an issue of cost or does it have more to do with security and/or barriers created between competitors?

    I'll watch the movie and let you know if I have any questions.

    Thanks for reaching out.

    p.s. Do you work for 1password or just an active forum contributor?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I'll leave further addressing of your general issues to AgileBits, and will focus on helping you convert. As mentioned in my converter thread , I'm not an AgileBits employee. Perhaps you haven't yet had a chance to read the first post.

  • jojoguy
    Community Member

    Sorry for the confusion but unfortunately I'm busy like I'm sure you are and don't have the time to read every single post. I run a query in search of specific information and try to be on my way.

    I do appreciate your help but find it odd that a forum volunteer is doing the heavy lifting for Agilebits


  • Greetings @jojoguy,

    For the moment our primary form of contact is via our public forums but we do actively monitor them every day and we make sure each one has seen at least one response from us, even if the issue is resolved by the time we reach it. We do also have an email support system but we focus on the forums as we struggled quite badly at one point to ensure people received timely responses and we don't want that to happen again if we can allow it. If an issue is complex or requires discussing any remotely sensitive we will of course move it to email but the forums allow us to help a large number of people, sometimes with a single post as well as a number of other advantages. They aren't always suitable and we know when to recognise that.

    Sometimes trying to find a solution in the forums is extremely tricky, heck even I've struggled to locate a thread I knew existed on occasion but I still believe they have great worth to our users and no approach is without it's negative as well as positive points.

    Now regarding the matter of the import convertors. I don't have an answer for you I'm afraid. I don't know why they lapsed or the order in which events occurred, I've never been a customer of any other offerings in the past (I started off as a 1Password user before I got to join the team) so never had need to use them. Whether you believe it's right or wrong, when I see any question relating to this topic I guide the person to MrC's excellent work because my only concern is to help the person as best I can and I believe MrC's work is the best option. All of us that work in support appreciate his good work and his willingness to help others, we definitely benefit from his enthusiasm and ingenuity. His thread has seen plenty of activity but I also couldn't say what percentage of users that translates to as I have no idea how many 1Password users there are - there are numerous facts and figures I don't require access to in my role.

    I will make note of your observations so the relevant people see them.

    ref: OPM-2700

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