Windows 1Password - Feedback - AFter clicking padlock in Windows Tray


After clicking on the locked padlock icon in the Windows tray, the 1Password application is maximized but the password entry box is not always given focus, so typing on the keyboard does not enter the password to access the 1Password application. Not sure if this is just my PC, nor sure what the circumstances are when this happens yet!

Just thought worth mentioning. One day if I work out why, I'll let you know :)

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Win 7 Pro (6.1 Build 7601 SP1)
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @hanco,

    Do you have Unlock on Secure Desktop turned on for 1Password?

    I've tried this a few times and it did focus the password field for me in both regular and secure desktops on Windows 8.

    I wonder if you switch back to the regular desktop, it would focus the password field more reliably. We do not have control over how Secure Desktop works because that's a function provided by Windows and it is a bit glitchy on Windows 7, which is what you're using.

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