Opened attachments are tmp. saved somewhere. Is the copy removed after viewing?
There is a similar thread ("Attachment View"), which I understand. Was there any change since 2011? Is e.g. the tmp. folder safely deleted as soon as 1password is locked?
1Password Version: 5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.5
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Opened attachments are tmp. saved somewhere. Is the copy removed after viewing?
Hi @dogthebob,
Thanks for taking the time to ask us about that! As you already know, when you open an attachment from 1Password, a decrypted copy of the file is put in a temporary folder on your Mac. To answer your question, yes - the temporary attachment folder will be deleted as soon as you lock and close 1Password.
If you have more questions about that or need anything else, just let us know - we're always happy to help! :)