If I try and don't like how do I revert back to old passwords? generated ones will just be dots

If I don't buy after the 1 month trial and want to quit and revert to my old passwords, can I do it? After installing 1 password and modifying all my passwords using your generator I would need to see them not just dots on the screen. If I keep 1password I plan on buying a thumb drive to back up my passwords with you. Also you say after some instructions "do not submit" I assume this means don't click Enter, true or false?
Is there a fail safe if I screw up in the process and lock my self out of accounts?

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Referrer: forum-search:If I try and don't like how do I revert back to old passwords? generated ones will just be dots


  • MikeT
    edited September 2015

    Hi @Johnjory,

    If I don't buy after the 1 month trial and want to quit and revert to my old passwords, can I do it?

    Absolutely. 1Password does not hold your passwords hostage nor will it lock you out of your own data even after the trial is expired, that's something we absolutely despite any program doing. You will be able to export your data and but also keep using your data in 1Password, you just can't edit or add new items until the program is registered. Note that 1Password is free to use if you have less than 20 items, it will not start nagging until you exceed this.

    Just to clarify, 1Password does not make the passwords hidden from you, it is concealing the display of the passwords so that people around you can't see it. You can easily reveal the password by pressing and holding the Control + R shortcut or you can turn it off completely by going to the View Menu to deselect Conceal Passwords. When you do this, you will see all the generated passwords in clear text, no more dots.

    If you want to stop using 1Password, you can go to the website and change the password back to the old ones you were using.

    . Also you say after some instructions "do not submit" I assume this means don't click Enter, true or false?

    Don't press enter on the keyboard or click on the button to submit the form. The reason is that 1Password need to see your data on the website before it can save it, if you submit the form, that data is gone and 1Password can't see it anymore.

    Is there a fail safe if I screw up in the process and lock my self out of accounts?

    If you mean a backdoor to let you back into your data if you forgot your master password, no there is not. If you forget your master password, there is no way to reset the password. If there was, that will be a massive security risk that any criminal can and will use against you.

    The best thing you can do is put your master password on the printed out 1Password's Emergency Kit PDF and leave it in a very secure place like your safe or safety deposit box in a vault. That way if you do forget it, you can at least go to your safe to get the password.

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