Keeping 1Password data up-to-date via 1P on an iPad
I have 2 MacBook Pro Retinas one, let's call it Mac A, is my "master" laptop. The other, Mac B say, is a reserve laptop ... just in case Mac A goes wrong. I also have an iPhone 6 and an iPad Mini. All my devices have 1Password (from App Store) installed. I use Mac A to install my latest passwords on to its 1P. I then sync to my iPad and iPhone locally using Wi-Fi. This works fine. However if I then try to sync Mac B using my updated iPad as the "master", when I try and sync the outdated Mac B 1P data it reverts the iPad data to the old data in Mac B.
I suppose I could copy 1P's agilebits data file on to a USB thumbstick and then download it on to Mac B (or perhaps Airdrop the agilebits file on to Mac B.)
Is this the only way I can keep 2 MacBooks 1 Passwords up-to-date? I don't wish to put my 1P data into Dropbox or iCloud.
Would value your thoughts - thanks
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:saving passwords on USB
Hi @jolly_roger,
Although we have a few users that try to use an iOS device as a Wi-Fi Sync bridge between two Macs the developers never designed it with this in mind so you can run into trouble trying to do so.
What we recommend is actually using a pen drive and 1Password's Folder Sync. On Mac A insert the pen drive and set up Folder Sync, pointing it to the pen drive. Next move the pen drive to Mac B and point 1Password to the Agile Keychain on the pen drive. After this all you need to do is occasionally remember to update. The reason we recommend a pen drive is OS X is much better at supplying events regarding the connection and disconnection of removable drives compared to say a network share. It means for your sanity we strongly recommend this route. 1Password will not try and sync when the pen drive isn't there but it will when its present and will do so automatically. If you wish to avoid cloud services this is the best route.
If you have any questions do please ask.