3 different version of 1Password on my iMac.

Community Member

I read in the forum that I will need someone's help to clean up. As per this posting... I followed these steps and mine do not match.. So who can I contact?

Hi @cmwaffle,

danco is correct. You may very well have purchased 1Password for Mac from Apple's Mac App Store but for reasons unknown you are running our AgileBits Store version which cannot access iCloud.

It is entirely possible that you have both the 1Password application (Mac App Store) and the 1Password 5 application (AgileBits Store) on your Mac. If you do we may have to assist you in merging differences between the two, it depends on how long you might have been running the AgileBits Store version.

Assuming you have both copies installed I think the easiest way to check would be the following.

Launch the 1Password copy.
Select All Items from the Sidebar.
Order your vault by Date Modified in the Item List.
Make a note of the total number of items and the most recently modified items in this vault.
Quit 1Password using the keyboard shortcut ⌃⌘Q.
Launch the 1Password 5 copy.
Follow steps 2-4 again.
How do these two vaults compare?

If they're the same then you can simply drag the 1Password 5 application to your Trash and keep the 1Password application.

If they're different we'll have to merge the two before we can proceed. Let us know if this is the case and we'll help with this. Of course if it turns out the differences are really minor i.e. 1-2 items are slightly different you may find manually copying the changes over is a lot quicker. We'll be here if you need help though :smile:

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Your post is fine as a way of making contact. AgileBits staff will be along to reply, but they do answer queries in order of receipt so it may take some time. Possibly one of the non-staff experts will reply before AgileBits can get to you.

  • Humperdink
    Community Member

    Does AgileBits have a contact phone number?

  • Hi @Humperdink,

    That looks like something I would have written :tongue:

    Sorry, we've had a large spike in support requests and we're slowly making our way through them. Now I'm a big advocate of the forums for a range of reasons but they (and actually our ticket system too) have one failing, they order everything from the timestamp of the latest post. We work from oldest to newest (those waiting the longest should be seen next I'm sure you agree) but if we're closing in on your ticket and somebody posts it pops it to the top of the queue. On these occasions it does mean it takes longer for us to realise somebody has been waiting longer than we realised.

    I'm going to assume you have both 1Password (from Apple's Mac App Store) and 1Password 5 (from our AgileBits Store) on your system and you've already stated that the two vaults have diverged. Now the following steps are generic in the sense that I don't know if you want to sync, are currently syncing etc.

    1. Launch the 1Password 5 copy of 1Password for Mac.
    2. Set up Folder Sync and point 1Password to your Desktop as the place to sync. The button should be titled Create New.
    3. Wait until 1Password has completed syncing and then quit using the keyboard shortcut ⌃⌘Q.
    4. Lauch the 1Password copy of 1Password for Mac.
    5. Use the menu option File > Backup.
    6. Set up Folder Sync again, pointing 1Password to the Agile Keychain you created on your Desktop. The button should be titled Merge With Existing. It will almost undoubtedly display a message/warning about merging - don't worry, that's what you want to do.
    7. After Folder Sync has completed switch the sync option from Folder to None.
    8. In the confirmation window that pops up tick the checkbox titled Delete data from the folder and then click the Disable Sync button.
    9. Drag the 1Password 5 application from your /Applications/ folder to the Trash so you're left with only the 1Password from the Mac App Store.

    If you want to synchronise this copy of 1Password with others you will need to re-establish sync using the preferred sync service.

    What can you expect when you merge two vaults?

    We adopt a conservative approach. We will only merge items from two vaults if they have the same Universally Unique ID (UUID). If they don't we treat the as individual items. They can share the same title, username and password but unless the UUIDs match they're treated as separate items. In these instances you will see duplicates requiring you to manually remove one. When you do this I would recommend ensuring you don't have any unique information held only in one copy. If an item in each vault has the same UUID we will merge the two. Where the data is the same in both it's easy, there is nothing to do. When there is different data in each we will keep one set of the data where it normally resides and place the other set in a custom section titled Conflicts. This way we don't risk throwing anything important away and instead leave it to the user to ensure the good data is kept and the now obsolete data is removed. On top of this you have a backup on both your iOS device and your Mac should you wish to simply return to a pre-merge state.

    How do you feel about all of that? Should you have any questions or concerns before starting please do ask and we'll do our best to answer them :smile:

  • Humperdink
    Community Member

    Thank you so much for these steps. I have completed the cleanup of multiple 1Password app on my iMac. Things look good. Now I just have some duplicates entries I need to manually clean up.

  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Humperdink,

    On behalf of littlebobbytables, you're most welcome. Thanks for following up to let us know that worked for you!

    We'll be here for you if you should need any more help. :)

This discussion has been closed.