I have created a second vault on my windows PC. How do I get it onto my iPhone via Wifi?


Under Settings>Vaults I can only see one entry: Primary
When I choose "Synchronize other vault" I only get the option to do Sync with Dropbox or to create a demo vault.
How do I get a new vault from my Windows PC onto my iPhone via Wifi?
It seems that I`m missing out on something.
Thanks a lot for your help,


  • Hi @ansgar,

    At the moment, the 1Password for iOS can only sync additional vaults via Dropbox, it is not possible to choose Wi-Fi for secondary vaults.

    If you want to keep adding more vaults, you will need to use Dropbox on your PC to sync these vaults to your iOS device.

    If you'd like to do this, install the desktop version of Dropbox from https://www.dropbox.com and then:

    1. Open the 1Password program on the PC, unlock, and click on the Preferences button on the toolbar
    2. In the General section, click on Move to Dropbox button
    3. Wait for Dropbox to finish its sync, you'd see a green checkmark on its icon in your notification tray area on the bottom right of your screen.

    Now, you can ask 1Password on your iOS device to pull the secondary vaults via Dropbox.

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